Chapter 7

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The Queen had a large bust, wide hips, and a bit of a small waist. Giving her an hourglass figure. She also had long hair and eyes that were a beautiful shade of purple. Overall, a solid 10/10 in anyone's opinion.

Then, she felt someone's eyes staring intently at her. So she looked, only to see one of the Ants staring at her lustfully.

When she saw this, she instantly killed the ant and waves its blood off her tail. "Disgusting. To have the nerve to look at me with those eyes." The Queen said distastefully, spitting on the Ant's corpse.

Then, the Royal Guards walked uo to her a bowed. "Welcome, Your Majesty." Pitou said. "This place is putrid." The Queen said as she walked toward a wall.

Then, she proceeded to bust the wall down. "I'm leaving." The Queen said. "Please, Allow me to fly you to the ground." Pouf offered. "Sure." The Queen responded.

Then, Pouf brought out his wings and flee out the castle. With the Queen holding on to his leg with her tail.

"That looks fun." Youpi said. Then, he brought out wings of his own and flew out, carrying Pitou with him.

The Queen then spotted something. Far enough to where they couldn't fly to it, but close enough to see. "What is that?" The Queen asked.

"That seems to be an Airship, your highness. It looks like the humans have finally decided to come for us." Pouf said. "Nya... Is the human I fought a couple of days ago on that ship?" Pitou asked excitedly.

"Not like it matters. We'll just kill them once they arrive." Youpi said. "That's true." Pitou said.

Then, the Queen spotted a small house. So she let go of Pouf and jumped down to it.

When she landed, she didn't suffer the least bit of damage. It was like nothing happened.

The Royal Guards then flew down after her, landing behind her. "Were there humans here?" The Queen asked. "Yes. But we cleared them all out." Pitou answered. "Hm." The Queen said.

Then, she entered. Only to see that it looked run down and abandoned. "Nothing here." The Queen said as she walked out.

Then, she tripped on something, making her fall to the ground, making her unintentionally let out a cute squeal. "YOUR MAJESTY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Pouf asked panickily. 'Good. They didn't hear that.' The Queen thought.

"Im fine. I just tripped on something." The Queen said as she looked down, only to see a book.

She then picked up the Book. Which was titled "Relationships 101". "Hey, what's a relationship?" The Queen asked confused.

"It's when 2 Humans like each other, and want to be together for the rest of their lives. Honestly, I don't understand it fully myself, but that's the gist of it." Pouf explained. "I see." The Queen responded.

Then, the Queen flipped through the book some more. Discovering what she could have if she got into one of these. Like Joy, appreciation, etc.

"I want one of these... "Relationships"." The Queen said, shocking the guards. "Are you sure? No human out there could possibly be worthy of you!" Pouf said.

"Well, Your Majesty, what type of person do you like?" Pitou asked. Then, the Queen crouched down and begun to think. After a few seconds, she speaks. "Well, I think someone strong..." The Queen started. "Someone respectable..." The Queen said.

"And someone who doesn't look at me like that one soldier from earlier." The Queen finished. "Hmm. Well, finding a human like that will be almost impossible." Pouf said.

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