Chapter 12

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"So, Meru. What do you want your ability to be?" You asked. "Uh, well I-"

Then, Mandalay and Aizawa cut them off. "Hey, can I ask you two something?" Mandalay asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure." You responded. "How'd you make all that water appear earlier? You nearly drenched everyone here." Mandalay asked.

"Don't worry about it. Just an accident." You answered. "Well to me, it looked like it was Intentional." Mandalay said.

"Yeah well, that was you. To me, it was an accident." You retorted. "Also, I heard you mention something about her being a "Specialist", care to tell me what that's about?" Mandalay asked.

"Kota is gone Y'know. As a hero, you should be looking for him instead of questioning me." You said. Then, Pixie bob suddenly appeared with Kota. "Found him!" She shouted, making you sweatdrop.

"Well?" Mandalay asked. "I mean, cmon. You put your hands around that cup and made the water go everywhere! You obviously did something to make that happen." Mandalay said.

'I wonder... Why is Y/n dodging the question in the first place?' Aizawa thought while Mandalay was talking to you. 'There must be a reason as to why he's so secretive when it comes to his abilities.' Aizawa thought.

Then, he thought back to All Might's interviews. And whenever he was asked about his Quirk, he would make a joke and Dodge the Question. 'Could he be in the same situation as All Might? Is knowing the secret behind Y/n's powers... Dangerous?' Aizawa thought.

"And that's why you should tell us! We're supposed to help you for god sake! If you don't tell us, how are we meant to support you?" Mandalay said, finally finishing her rant. "Mandalay." Aizawa said, getting her attention. "We shouldn't pry. If he doesn't want to tell us, he shouldn't tell us. Let's go." Aizawa said while walking away.

"No, Wait! I'll tell you." You said, making Aizawa turn around. "Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to." Aizawa asked.

"Yeah, Im sure. Besides, it'll get you off my back." You responded. "Follow me, I'll tell you." You said as You and Meru walked away.

Then, after a few minutes of walking in the forest, you stop and turn around. 'I'll make sure no one else is following us.' You thought as you activated En, reaching about 160 meters.

"Alright, so you wanna know how I made the water go everywhere, right?" You asked, making Aizawa and Mandalay nod. "Okay, what Im about to tell you, stays between us, got it?" You asked, making Aizawa and Mandalay nod.

"Alright, have you two ever heard of Nen?" You asked. "Nen? What's Nen?" Mandalay asked. "Nen is a type of life energy that only a few people know about. And even fewer people can wield." You said.

"Machi, Shizuku, and Meru can all use Nen. My abilities are also tied into Nen." You said, making them surprised. "So, how do you get access to this "Nen" stuff?" Mandalay asked.

"Im afraid I can't tell you that. But is there something you must know." You started. "Nen is EXTREMELY dangerous. And a tightly guarded secret. Because literally, ANYONE could wield it." You explained. "What's so dangerous about it? If anyone could wield it, then we should teach it to the Quirkless!" Mandalay said.

"We shouldn't. Because the one truly dangerous thing about Nen, is the wielders will. The stronger the will, the stronger the Nen. See what Im getting at?" You asked, making them have a sudden epiphany. "For example, let's say someone like the hand villain from the USJ incident got Nen. Just by looking at him, I could te that he was extremely evil and destructive. If he gets access to Nen, we'd all be screwed. There wouldn't be a single person in the world who could stand up to him. Not even me" You explained.

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