Chapter 22

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"Yeah, We'll knock you out of that little pipe dream of yours soon enough. So live in it while you can." You said as you left for your room. "Geez... Theta, how did you hang around that guy for so long without losing it?" You asked.

"Trust me, I nearly hit my boiling point on multiple occasions." Theta answered. "By the way, do you know Tserriednichs Nen abilities?" You asked.

"Yeah, I do. I am the one who taught him after all." Theta said. "Once Kurapika wakes up, I'll tell you." Theta added.

Then, they arrived back in Woble's room. "Huh? What happened to Kurapika?" Oito asked concerned. "When we met Tserriednich, he kinda exploded with rage. So I had to knock him out." You responded.

'Tserriednich? He's the only prince alive other than Woble right?" Oito asked. "Yes. He wants to have one last fight with me and Kurapika on the Dark Continent." You said.

"The both of you? I may not know much about fighting, but I know that you two are seriously strong." Oito said. "So him fighting the both of you seems a bit unbelievable." Oito added.

"Yeah. He's obviously planning to use the terrain to his advantage like us." You responded. "Anyway, I believe in you two. You managed to live through this whole contest, So I believe that you can beat Tserriednich." Oito said.

"Thanks. Once Kurapika wakes up, we'll come up with a strategy around Tserriednichs Nen abilities." You said.

After a couple of hours, Kurapika shoots awake. "Oh. Have a good nap Kurapika?" You asked jokingly. "What happened?" Kurapika asked.

"You kind of went into a rage after seeing Tserriednich. So I had to knock you out." You responded. "Also, we 2 days to come up with a strategy to fight Tserriednich." You added.

"Which is where I come in!" Theta said. "Oh yeah, you're Tserriednichs Nen teacher." Kurapika said.

"Im not proud of it." Theta said. "Anyway, Tserriednich has 2 Nen abilities." Theta started.

"Firstly, there is Parallel Future. Once he closes his eyes and activates Zetsu, he gets a vision 10 seconds into the future. A key weakness with this ability is that he temporarily has no defense against Nen. Also, if your attacks are fast enough, you'll be able to hit him." Theta explained. "Future sight is pretty impressive. But I'll be able to counter it just fine." You said.

"My chains aren't really the Quickest. But If I hot him with my Steal Chain and take his Nen abilities, it's basically game over." Kurapika added. "Well, I doubt that you'll be able to do that Because of his Second ability." Theta started.

"His second ability allows him to open portals. I've only seen him create medium-sized ones, so I have no idea if he can make them any bigger. But in Conjunction with his future sight, he has a nigh impenetrable defense." Theta explained. "Damn. I might not be all that useful then." Kurapika said in a disappointed tone.

"He'll be able to easily redirect my chains." Kurapika added. "Well, Out of curiosity, what are your Nen abilities?" Theta asked.

"Well, I have Giant Golden Statue with 100 hands with devastating speed and power. I cant show you because I'd destroy the ship." You said, leaving Theta surprised. "I have a bit too many abilities to explain. So I'll only explain my bread and butter one." Kurapika started.

"Emperor Time allows me to use every Nen category at 100% efficiency. The downside is that every second I use it, shortens my lifespan by 1 hour." Kurapika explained. "May not sound that risky at first, but it adds up quickly over time." Kurapika added.

"Kurapika, you dont have to fight if you dont want to. I can always ask Linnet and Zzigg to help." You said. "No, I want to. And I have to for my friends." Kurapika retorted.

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