Chapter 21

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A loud tremor was heard throughout the entire Black Whale. Making the ship vibrate vigorously. The Ship shook so much that plates and cups broke.

But unfortunately, No one paid any attention to it. They were getting close to the Dark Continent, so they just thought that some massive creature bumped into the ship. Nothing important was damaged. So, no one cared.

"A-Agh... Shit... This sucks..." Tserriednich said, pain in his voice. Then he looks at Theta, who was on the ground, presumably dead.

"So... The bitch died..." Tserriednich said. Then, he tried to get up. But he immediately fell on his ass. "Her Stupid suicide bomb worked w-well... If I didn't focus all of my Aura to the front of my body... I-I would've died..." Tserriednich said as he struggled to move.

Through sheer will, Tserriednich gets up. "I need to get out of here and fast before anyone arrives." Tserriednich said to himself.

Then, he limped away back to the 5th Tier and to his room.

"What the hell was that? It came from the 4th Tier." You said surprised. "It was probably some creature that bumped into us. Don't worry." Kurapika said.

"Kurapika. I don't know why, but I feel like we should check it out." You said. "If it'll ease your worries, then fine." Kurapika responded.

Then, You and Kurapika started to head down to the 4th tier.

"Cant... Move..." Theta said weakly as she tried to move. "Tserriednich... Must've assumed I died..." Theta said, not seeing Tserriednich anywhere.

"I can't die. I'm not going to until I tell everyone..." Theta said. "Tserriednich... Is too dangerous to let live... The more he trains, the infinitely more dangerous he becomes." Theta thought.

Then, she hears footsteps. "D-Down here!" Theta shouted, trying to lead the people to her.

"Hey, Kurapika! There's someone injured!" You shouted. "Coming!" Kurapika shouted back.

Then, You and Kurapika went over to the Injured Theta. "Kurapika, can you heal her?" You asked concerned. "Yeah, Let me just-" But before he could finish, Theta passes out.

-Timeskip 5 days-

After 5 days, only 2 princes were alive. Woble, and Tserriednich. And 2 more days until they arrived on the Dark Continent.

And in that time, of course, a few things have happened. Firstly, Tserriednich has become a bit stronger.

After fighting Theta, he's realized his weakness. He had no real way of fighting. Only defensive abilities in his Portals and Future sight.

So, he decided to train in hand to hand. He wasn't the greatest, but he certainly was no chump either. He wanted to create another Nen ability, but since they were getting closer to the Dark Continent, he didn't have the time to.

Tserriednich was also training his physical body. Pushing himself to Exhaustion every single day. Reaching physical speed and strength that rivaled yours. Combine that with his heightened senses and Nen, and you have a fearsome opponent.

Currently, he was in his weird room riddled with body parts. "All I have to do we defeat Y/n, and I win." Tserriednich said excitedly, thinking about what he was gonna do once he won. "Once I get rid of him, nothing will stop me from conquering the world." Tserriednich said.

Theta shot awake. Noticing that she was completely healed, she let out a sigh of relief. 'Where... Am I?' She thought confused.

Then, she remembered what happened. A person named Kurapika and someone else who she didn't see all that well helped her.

"Hello! I'm Oito." Oito said from her left, immediately putting her on guard. "Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you. Currently, you're in my room. Kurapika and-" But as she was speaking You and Kurapika walk in.

"Oh, Speaking of Kurapika and Y/n, there they are." Oito said, immediately shocking Theta.

"Sup. I'm Y/n, and this is-" But then, Theta immediately bolted at you. "Y/N! I NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE! TSERRIEDNICH IS GONNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD IF YOU DON'T STOP HIM!" Theta shouted, but you didn't pick up on a single word she said.

"Woah Lady, Relax. We'll help, but you gotta slow your roll a bit. We couldn't hear a single word you said." Kurapika said reassuringly. "Oh... I apologize." Theta said.

Then, everyone sat down and signaled for Theta to start. "I didn't introduce myself. I'm Theta, one of Tserriednichs employees." Theta said, saying Tserriednichs name with Venom.

"Tserriednich?" You asked surprised. Then, Kurapika's eyes turned scarlet. Noticing this, you immediately calmed him down. "Calm down Kurapika. She isn't our enemy." You said.

"Yeah, Im not. You can trust me." Theta said. "Now, back to the important stuff." Theta started.

"I need You, Y/n. To Kill Tserriednich." Theta said bluntly. "Well, Good news. I and Kurapika were already planning on doing that." You responded.

"You... You were?" Theta asked. "Yes. We also know how evil he is. All we need to know is where he is and we'll go and kick his ass." You responded.

"Great! He should be on the fifth tier. I'll take you to his room." Theta said as she got up.

Then, You and Kurapika proceeded to follow Theta. You noticed that Kurapika's eyes were scarlet again.

This was because he was feeling an overwhelming amount of rage and a bit of joy. Rage because of what he did to his friends, and Joy because he was finally gonna get the opportunity to get revenge.

"Kurapika... Control yourself. We'll have an opportunity to kill Tserriednich later on. If we try now, the ship will be destroyed." You said. Then, Kurapika breathes in and out, trying to calm himself down. "I... I just can't calm down, Y/n. I'll try to do my best to contain myself, but I can't promise anything." Kurapika said.

"Good enough." You said. Then, after five minutes of walking, you find yourselves in front of Tserriednichs door. "Beyond this door, lies Tserriednich. Prepare yourselves." Theta said.

Then, Theta began to open the door. After a few agonizing seconds, the door completely opens.

Only to see a horrifying sight. Body parts, everywhere. Arms, legs, you name it. But the most horrifying sight of all was 4 jars with the severed heads of Kurapika's friends, along with Tserriednich sitting on his throne.

When Kurapika sees this, his mind immediately floods with rage. "It... IT WAS YOU!" Kurapika shouted as he tried to run at Tserriednich.

Anticipating this, you grab him by his arms. "Calm down." You said. "LET ME GO Y/N. LET ME THE FUCK GO!" Kurapika shouted.

Theta was caught massively off guard by Kurapika's behavior. "Why is he so angry?" Theta asked confused. "You see those heads in those jars? Those were his friends." You said while Kurapika tried to get out of your grip.

"I'LL KILL HIM! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Kurapika shouted. Then, you knocked him out. "His friends...? Dear God..." Theta said, feeling bad for Kurapika.

"Wait, why aren't you angry?" Theta asked. "Oh no, don't get it twisted, Im as pissed as Kurapika is." You said. "The difference is... I know when to release it." You said while glaring at Tserriednich.

"Hey, Your Y/n, right?" Tserriednich asked. "Yes, I am." You responded.

"I know you're here to kill me, but I wouldn't recommend doing so. After all, we wouldn't want to kill everyone on the ship, right?" Tserriednich asked. "I thought the same thing." You said.

"So. Me, You, and Him will fight on the Dark Continent. It will be our battleground." Tserriednich said. "Heh. Aren't you confident? Do you seriously believe that you can take on both of us?" You asked.

"Yes, I do." Tserriednich answered. "Prepare however you will in 2 days. Not like it'll help you survive anyway." Tserriednich said cockily.

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