Chapter 20

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'Tch. Dammit. How am I supposed to find him?' Theta thought. 'I'll just flip every floor upside down! He has to be here somewhere!' Theta thought.

Then, she feels someone following her. 'Shit! Is he following me?' Theta thought fearfully. 'Right! He has future sight, of course, he would know!' Theta thought.

She then looks behind her, only to see Tserriednich hot on her tail. 'How do I shake off someone who'll always know where I am?!' Theta thought.

'Lying bitch. Though you may have been trash, you were useful trash. Too bad I have to kill you before you spout your mouth off.' Tserriednich thought.

"Hey, Zzigg?" You said, getting his attention. "You ever get the feeling that someone is after you?" You asked.

"What? No, not really." Zzigg responded. "What are you talking about now?" Linnet asked.

"Nothing, Nothing." You responded. Then, you proceeded to beat Zzigg in Connect 4. "HAHA!" You shouted mockingly.

'Dammit! Where the hell is he?!' Theta thought. Then, she looked back, only to see that Tserriednich is still tailing her. 'If he's not in Tier 5, then I pray to whatever god is up there that he's in Tier 4.' Theta thought.

'She's pretty quick on her feet.' Tssrriednich thought. Then, he had an idea. 'I'll just use my portals to grab her!' Tserriednich thought.

Then, he created a portal and put his hand through. Anticipating this, Theta dodged. 'Dammit. Now he's gonna use those annoying portals to try and grab me because I outclass him in speed.' Theta thought.

Then, Tserriednich kept trying to grab Theta. Only for Theta to keep dodging. 'Shit. Im not experienced enough in Nen to get her. At this rate... She'll get to Y/n before I can get to her!' Tserriednich thought fearfully.

Currently, You and Kurapika were on the third tier. You thought that he needed to relax and take a break. So you asked Linnet and Zzigg to guard Woble.

Then suddenly, you hear a weird faint sound coming from below you. "Hey Kurapika, you hear that sound?" You asked. Then, Kurapika tried to listen, but couldn't hear anything.

"No... Are you hearing things?" Kurapika asked. "I swear I hear something..." You said confused. "Ah well, it's probably nothing." You said.

"Alright then. Now, let's go eat." Kurapika said.

After a while of running, Theta and Tserriednich were about a third of the way through the 4th tier.

Being tired of running and dodging, Theta decided that she had to somehow stop Tserriednich from moving.

So, she decided that she had to fight him. She then stopped moving and turned toward him.

"Huh? So you decided to stop running and accept death?" Tserriednich asked. "No." Theta answered as she pulled out her handgun. "I've decided to fight you!" Theta shouted.

Then, she shot 3 bullets at Tserriednich. 'Tch. She thinks that some bullets will take me down.' Tserriednich thought.

Then, he opened a portal in front of him. But suddenly, the bullet grazed the side of his legs.

"WHAT?!" Tserriednich shouted in pain. 'This is my Nen ability. I call it Path Control.' Theta thought.

Thetas Nen Type was Manipulation. And he ability, "Path Control", allowed her to control the Trajectory and Velocity of any object

But to activate this ability, She must fulfill a few conditions.

1. She must first get the Object she wants to control moving.

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