Chapter 1

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"The Zoldycks? Why the hell are they here?!" Bakugo shouted.

The Zoldycks were a powerful group of vigilantes who killed for money. People even say that the top 2 Zoldycks, Silva and Zeno, were stronger than All Might. But this, of course, hadn't been proven yet.

The police and heroes had tried on multiple occasions to arrest them. But the ones who were arrested would either just escape, or dodge the police. So, they kind of just gave up on trying to get them. So it became common knowledge that if the Zoldycks were after you, you were screwed.

But there is one good thing. Whoever paid more, gets their assistance. So all the hero committee had to do was pay more than the villains and they practically won.

But, they were expensive. And it wasn't all that practical to pay millions just for one job. So they weren't hired all that much. But when they were, it basically spelled death for the victims.

And now, the ever so feared top dogs of the group were here... To kill All Might.

"Where is the target? I thought you said he would be here." Zeno said. "He's probably running late. So just wait until he arrives." Kurogiri responded.

"So, in the meantime, why don't you kill a few of the students?" Shigaraki asked. "No. You paid us to kill All Might and no one else. So until he shows up, we won't be fighting." Silva responded, only wanting to kill All Might.

"Tch," Shigaraki said, annoyed. 'Okay, Good. I don't have to worry about those two.' Aizawa thought as he prepared to fight. 'If I take out the fodder, and wait for the other heroes to show up, we should win this.' Aizawa thought.

Then, Aizawa began to body to villains, with Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsuyu watching from the water.

"I don't think All Might can win." Tsuyu started, getting Izuku's and Mineta's attention. "Really? But All Might's the number 1 hero! He has to win!" Mineta retorted.

"Take a few seconds to think. They have the Zoldycks on their side. Which is already enough to give All Might a run for his money. Add the hand villain, and the portal villain, and the outcome don't look so good." Tsuyu said, making Izuku has a sinking feeling in his chest.

'Can All might win? Is... Is All Might... Going to die?' Izuku thought worriedly. "So, Unless someone stronger than them shows up, All Might is done for." Tsuyu said.

As they were speaking, Aizawa defeated all the villains. But Shigaraki managed to sneak in a cheap shot, making Aizawa's elbow decay.

"Looks like this is the end for you, Eraserhead." Shigaraki said mockingly to the exhausted and injured Aizawa. 'Damn it! All Might, where the hell are you?!' Aizawa thought.

Then, as Shigaraki was about to decay Aizawa's face...


The doors to the USJ burst open. With All might on the other side, with a pissed-off scowl on his face.

"I... AM HERE!" All might shouted. "There he is. About time." Silva said as he got up and dusted himself off.

Hearing the voice of Silva, All Might immediately begins to sweat a little. 'Damn. They hired the Zoldycks to kill me. Not only that, but they hired the strongest of them.' All might though nervously.

'If it was just one of them, It would be a hard battle, but I would probably win... But both of them?' All Might then. "What's wrong, All Might? Where's that trademark smile?" Shigaraki asked condescendingly.

Then, All Might jumped down to the center of the USJ. 'Is he really gonna fight the both of them?' Izuku thought, not liking All Might's odds.

"All right Silva, let's get this over with and go home." Zeno said as he sharpened his nails. "Alright, Dad." Silva responded.

Then, they ran at All might.

Silva went in for the punch to the face, but All Might managed to block before it hit him, send him back a bit. 'Damn, these two are fast!' All might thought.

Then, Zeno tried to stab him in the face. But All Might moved his head out of the way.

"Texas... SMASH!!!" All Might shouted as he hit Silva in the face. But Silva protected his face with Nen, making the punch do almost nothing. 'That didn't hurt him?!' All might thought.

"His... His Smash didn't do anything..!" Mineta said surprised. "Holy crap... That Silva guy is super durable!" Kirishima said surprised. "All might didn't do anything to him!" Kaminari added.

Then, Zeno focused his nen into his hands, creating a small purple sphere. He then created a purple dragon that engulfed his hands.

 He then created a purple dragon that engulfed his hands

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Zeno then sent the dragon at all might. In response, All Might ran, trying to dodge it.

But the Dragon was hot on his tail, like a heat-seeking missile. 'Shit! I can't dodge it!' All might thought.

Then, the Dragon caught All might in its jaws and sent him to the ground, preventing him from moving.

Zeno then jumped on him, unintentionally stomping on his injury, making All Might grunt in pain.

Not taking notice of this, Zeno rapidly punched him in the face. Making other students worry for the symbol of peace.

"HAHAHAHA! THIS IS THE END FOR YOU, ALL MIGHT!" Shigaraki shouted triumphantly.

Then, Zeno jumped back. Leaving a bloody and beaten All Might to his thoughts. 'I guess this is it.' All might thought, giving up. 'I never stood a chance. They're way too strong for me.' All might thought.

'No... NO! I can't just sit here, I have to help!' Izuku thought, not wanting all might to die.

But he couldn't do it. He couldn't summon up the courage to move. 'What could I do? If I jump in, they would probably just knock me out before I could do anything!' Izuku thought.

"All Might's done for." Tsuyu said. 'But still... Heroes would dive into any situation, no matter how dangerous! So, I have to move!' Izuku thought.

"All right, Silva. Finish him off." Zeno said. "Right." Silva responded.

Then, Silva started to charge an Aura Blast. Taking the form of 2 purple spheres.

'Shit! I can't move! Where are the others?!' All might while trying to squirm out of Zeno's Dragon. But to no avail.

Then, Silva fired. But as the blasts were heading toward All Might, Izuku did the only thing he could.

"SOMEONE HELP HIM!!" Izuku shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping that some heard.

Then suddenly, someone appeared in front of All Might redirected the Aura blasts toward the roof. Shocking everyone.

"Hey, Two versus One isn't exactly fair, now is it?" You asked while smirking.

Izuku and Bakugo almost immediately recognized you. But the changes you underwent were astounding.

"Now, why don't you two fight with me? I've been wanting to see the results of my training." You said as you got in a fighting stance.

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