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I can not believe we're already at the last book. Time has gone by too quickly.

For this book, I will post 1 chapter daily. When exactly during the day, I don't know.

I don't like begging for votes and comments, so I won't bother y'all with that with each chapter. I would like to ask just once to please vote for the chapters and comment your thoughts. I LOVE hearing your opinions and your thoughts. Feel free to send me a message with your thoughts about the book or your expectations. 

Looking at the description and the cover, what do you guys expect will happen?

Will Julia be at the jail? How will she be after 15 months of capture, 1 year of 'capture' on the island, and then 6 months of waiting for the trial?

Who thinks it might even be better is she isn't saved?

I am SO excited for this book and for what might come afterwards!!

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now