My new life

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I don't remember what happened.

I got knocked out. I think. And then I remember flying..? Or maybe falling.

And then I hit something. i wasn't flying or falling anymore. I was floating.

Light blue surrounded me. My eyes and nose burned but I couldn't move.

I looked at my feet. Which way is up? I saw my shirt flow around me and swirl with the cool water.

Where am I?

Something grabbed onto the neck of my shirt and began pulling me up.

What's happening?

I broke through the surface and coughed out water and squeezed my eyes shut. The thing dragging me carried me out somewhere and I felt solid ground. I was still to week to move. I opened my eyes and felt my hands clench around sand.

I'm on a beach.

But why am I here?

I can't remember anything.

My back was dropped and the thing dragging me came into sight.

A dragon! Blue patterns across its body that seemed to glow and piercing blue eyes that seemed to look at my soul.

(Not my design

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(Not my design. Let me know if you can see it or not.)

i know is this kind of dragon. It's a night fury or at least the body type is! I know I've seen one before somewhere. But I can't remember.

It nudged my face and looked at me with golden eyes.

I tried to reach up and touch it but my hand wasn't going anywhere.

I opened my mouth and spoke the best I could with an immensely scratchy voice that I knew was not normal.


___________________________Four years later:

"Blue!" I called. Blue, the dragon that had saved me that day trotted into the cave.

"Here's your dinner." I said and handed her a large salmon I had caught that morning.

I was in a tank top and shorts (my pjs) and I traced the many tattoos I had gotten. I would get them to remind me of an important person or event. One on my back was of Blue. It was her from birds point of view with her wings spread and her blue pattern decorated her body. It went almost to my shoulders. That was the largest one fittingly as she had saved my life. There were a few on my arms, legs, fingers, back. All over. And to tell you about each one of them would take a lifetime. So much had happened in these past years.

I had remembered a few things from before I met Blue.

First I remembered that there was this big dragon, I think it had something to do with me forgetting. Then eventually I remembered my name. Y/n. And my age. 16 at the time. Now I'm 20. I've been traveling around for years. I've met so many people, dragons, and various other creatures.

I flipped through my first sketchbook. I drew each one of them here. So that I wouldn't forget them like I forgot my life before.

I didn't like to think about the people I had forgotten about. I'm assuming I knew people.

I must have hit my head or something.

I remember a fire. And my finger. I looked down at my left middle finger that was half missing from the knuckle. Not sure how I lost it.

So this is my life now.

I'm happy. I'm very happy. I have Blue. I have friends. I have a lovely cave in the side of my island that I can look out at the sea through. I've had the chance to meet many people who were very influential to me and I have been able to learn. About dragons. And people. And places. I have a good life. But I can't help but wonder were I came from.

Blue gurgled a noise.

"What is it blue?" I asked.

She jumped over to the entrance of the cave.

"You wanna go out?" I asked. She jumped again as a sign of yes and I stood up and followed her. I had carved a staircase into the side of the island so that I could climb onto the flat ground. Once we were on the green grass of my island ander started running in circles around me

"Wow slow down there!" I laughed. She jogged ahead of me and jumped flapping her wings a bit to give her a boost and then ran off into the meadow.

I lived alone on the island. It was kinda like my break from people. Don't get me wrong I love people and being around them is always fun but I liked being alone with Blue too.

I smile  as I hear blue roar and see birds fly out of the trees.

She came running back at me.

My eyes widened as she didn't slow down. Uh oh. She does this sometimes. Random bursts of energy where all she wants to do is tackle me. I quickly turned around and sprinted the other way. I knew I couldn't outrun her. Just delaying the inevitable. Soon I felt her pounce on my back.

"Uuugh! Get off me blue!" I shout holding back a laugh. She flips me over and gives me one of her star smiles.

"Someone's happy." I say. she jumps off me and flips and dives in the air.

"You wanna go for a fly?" I suggested.

She instantly flies over the edge of the cliff. I knew what she was doing.

After a few seconds she flew back out with her saddle in her mouth. Gross.

As soon as she gets near enough she tosses it to me and I strap it onto her. I look at the details on it. I had a friend of mine make it custom for us. His name was gargoyle. Nice name huh?

He was a middle aged man who had invited me for dinner with him and his family. I met his daughter Spitface (another great name) who was about my age and we became very close.

As i requested to him Metal hoops were attached to several areas so that I could hang on them, one of Anders favorite things. She liked to look down at me hanging there. Sometimes I would loop my legs through them and hang upside down. The brown leather had designs pressed and burned into them. Four leafed flowers and stars around the edge. The mark of the town where they lived. That same design went around my arm in honor of him and his daughter.

I hopped on and as soon as I was settled we were in the air. There was something so familiar about it that made it not just exhilarating, but peaceful.

"Let's go!" I whispered to ander and she dived and loop d looped through the air.

This was my life now. And although I was happy I knew something was missing.

I would find out soon enough.

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