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Stan Martha for clear skin

"John." Martha said, furrowing her eyebrows as they sat across from each other at the coffee shop.

"Yes?" John asked, sipping his coffee. If you could even call it that. It was almost completely sugar and milk.

"There's a ring on your finger." Martha mused, nodding to the silver band that rested on John's ring finger.

"Yes, there is." John nodded in agreement.

"John." Martha said a little more seriously.

"Martha." John said back, using the same tone.

Martha sighed. "Did he propose?" She asked, even though she knew the answer.

John bit his lip and nodded softly. "He did."

"When?" Martha continued to question. John couldn't read her tone or face. He didn't know if she was happy for him or annoyed or disappointed.

"Two nights ago. He surprised me with a date. We went on a picnic, then to a lecture about sea life, then to a Broadway show, and then for a walk, where he proposed." John explained the situation, though he really wanted to talk about what Francis had said during his proposal.

"And why am I just now finding out about this two days later?" Martha asked, her arms still crossed along her chest.

"Well, you didn't work last night and we spent all day Saturday in bed with each other." John explained, shrugging. "I invited you to coffee to tell you but you caught on before I could get the words out." He laughed softly.

Martha nodded. "What about Alexander?" She asked.

John tensed a bit at that. "Well, uh." He laughed a bit awkwardly, taking a drink of his Frappuccino. "Francis actually is... he's aware of my feelings for Alexander." He explained quietly.

Martha raised an eyebrow. "And he's okay with that?" She questioned.

"He said he was. He said that he trusted me not to act on those feelings and he said he understood I couldn't control those feelings. He said he knew that I wasn't completely into him the way he is into me but he told me that was alright. He said that he still wanted to marry me and said how I'm the one he wants to spend his life with. And he said he understood he was my second choice and said it didn't bother him." John said softly, chewing on the inside of his cheek out of habit.

"Do you believe that?" Martha asked.

"He seemed... really genuine." John nodded softly. "I believe it."

Martha just nodded quietly.

"And I know... I know this is most likely my last chance. Like..." John sighed softly. "I knew when we started dating again this would be what happened- I mean, I didn't expect it so quick, but it's happening and I'm just... I know I can't get any better than him. He's going to be a wonderful husband and father and I just... I don't want to wait." He said, looking down.

"Well, if that's what you want, then I'm happy for you. If you're happy with your decision, then good for you." Martha said, seeming genuine. She usually always did. She hardly ever gave her true opinions but was always very middle ground and tried to be unbiased.

"Thank you." John smiled softly, leaning over the table and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You know," John said after a moment of silence. "I'm sure that in another lifetime- one where I am straight- we were married to each other." He laughed softly.

"I agree. We were definitely together in some time line, my dear boy." Martha patted his cheek.

"Most definitely, my dear girl." John smiled softly, kissing her hand. They chatted a bit more before they left, John wanting to get home and sleep since he hadn't since he got off from work at seven. Francis was at his apartment so John was alone as he crawled into his messy bed.

He let out a loud groan when someone knocked on his door. He got out of bed and grumbled a line of curses before getting up, stretching a bit, and going to open the door.

"Alex?" John laughed softly. "What're you doing here?" He asked.

"I wanted to give you this sweatshirt." Alex said, handing John the hoodie from his arms. "It was one I borrowed for you in high school- it was your base ball team one. I didn't realize I had it all these years until I was cleaning out the attic and found it folded in a box." He shrugged.

"Wow- this is like, old!" John laughed and held the cloth. "Yeah-" Alex shrugged before catching a glimpse of the ring on John's finger.

Alex immediately grabbed John's hand. "You can't be fucking serious-" he said, looking up at John.

"What?" John crocked out softly.

"This is an engagement ring! You can't seriously be seriously marrying that prick!" Alex said, jealousy pinging his heart.

In all honesty, that wasn't the only reason Alex hated Francis. Part of him was jealous without realizing. Almost everyone John hooked up with or tried to form a relationship with, Alex would immediately hate them and try and talk John out of it. It was weird. He never understood why he did it.

"He's not a prick." John pulled his hand away, a bit dramatically. "He's really sweet and he's beautiful." He said.

"He's an ass."

"No he isn't."

"Yes he is."



John sucked in a deep breath. "I don't know why you care-" he started.

"Because he is an ass and you're just going to get hurt!" Alex defended himself.

John let out a quiet sigh. "I think you need to go calm down."

"Fine." Alex muttered. "Only because Eliza wants me home before dinner gets cold." He said bitterly. "We are gonna talk about this later."

"Okay." John sighed softly as Alex left.

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