Start from the beginning

word on the street
the word on the street once one even begins getting close to sovereign's realm of control is that they found a prophet who can heal them, and who works miracles every day or that they have allowed themselves to be conned by a madman who holds a tyrannical rule over them. either way, a word of warning always closely follows. his Prophets will protect their sovereign from any attempted attacks or illicit entries, to the death. they are comparatively well-stocked and well-armed, and they would not take kindly to a robbery. people in the area are generally frustrated and see him as a drain on resources, or a cruel tyrant, or as a miracle worker. it is not unusual to come across a Prophet or a person considering Prophethood who has had a family member cured by him. hymns and beautiful music sounds out from their land, and the smell of food can be traced back to them. jealousy, fear, adoration are only some of the emotions locals will feel about this boy.

mitya minsky

sovereign ( this is the alias he goes by presently, as no one knows his birth name ).
the prophet of the east
the sovereign prophet of the bleeding eye


sovereign is only sixteen years old.

he was born on october 30th, 2005

at the present moment, it is considered improper for the sovereign prophet to lower himself to have romantic involvements with those who he protects and reveals the word to. however, before all of this, sovereign was still too young to date, but could envision himself with a person of any gender.



sovereign has the most unusual, striking eyes. as a result of the intensity of his personality, one would assume that he would have an eagle's eyes- steady, focused, with a dark and intense look within them. however, as a result of a devastating fever when he was a child, his eyes are unfocused and in fact, although it is unsure if a result of the radiation or the fever, enormous and glassy. they are an extremely pale green color that is about as close as one can come to having "clear" eyes, yet he always looks like his eyes are glazed over. his people say that it makes him appear as if he is in a trance, therefore having prophetic visions. they are wide and tall, and overall, a visually overwhelming experience. he has the most beautiful hair too, that has just started to return to its former glory after it dulled and thinned out in the camp. it is pure golden, a gorgeous blonde color that is arranged in loose curls that are naturally arranged around his forehead and the back of his head. it has not grown longer than his chin, but has reached the bottom of his ears, as he has not cut it in quite a long time, to the chagrin of the Prophets who would love a strand of sovereign's golden hair. his skin is clean and clear, pale, but every so slightly honey-tinged from his time outside, as he has a water supply from the people, but it is covered in small white scars for extractions of blood, and there are usually several new slices everywhere. he has naturally red lips and dark eyebrows. he has a large scar on his calf that is actually still healing a little bit. his body is somewhere between too thin and robust, meaning that he is almost there towards a more healthy body type, an achievement considering the state of the world. he has a small, nonfunctional eye on the back of his right hand that has formed from the radiation. at times, it weeps, which is seen as holy. the Prophets often will touch the tears and claim that it provoides solace in times of trial. sovereign would technically prefer that they stop, but he cannot truly control them. he looks beautiful, but in an otherworldly, terrifying manner that can easily scare people as it can allure them.

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