48: Teimoso

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teimoso; hard-headed

"Stop fighting me," I groaned in frustration. While everyone else was following Celeste's trail of riddles I've been trying to find her. Every time I got close she'd block me out last minute by showing me pictures of Klaus suffering. It was like a game to her.

I kept trying and trying but the last picture she showed me was Klaus tied down to a chair and one of the red-headed witches feeling against his leg. I let out a long growl. Pesty redheads. Never trust 'em. Never trust witches either.

I went to my wall that had the loose bricks and pulled them out. In the little compartment, I pulled out a mini icebox. In the icebox, there were vials of everyone's blood. I even had some blood leftover from when Elena was human. Of course, nobody knows about this except me. It's weird but it's helpful.

I took one of the vials that had Klaus's blood in it and drank it. I cringed at the taste. I laid on my bed and concentrated. No enchantment was needed since this was a battle of the brains. Once I was completely subdued I could hear 20's music playing on a vinyl record. I saw that same redhead girl also. I followed her.

"Your sister's tryst with Marcel was only the beginning. You see, the burden of your condemnation had become too great. And as a result, your deepest fear came to pass. That their love for each other would overshadow their love for you, turn it into hate," the girl said.

I followed her voice and found Klaus tied to a hospital bed with her leaning over it. "Nik, they conspired to rid themselves of you for good," she said. Moments later off him sitting there he yelled with tears. "Enough of your lies," he yelled.

"Don't dismember the messenger. Part of you must've known. Suspected, at least. Your father came to New Orleans in 1919 to kill you, did he not? And as the city burned, he nearly succeeded," the girl said and Klaus slowly lifted up. "My family and I have done some terrible things to each other over the years, but Rebekah would not call my father. No matter how angry she was," Klaus said.

"It's sweet of you to believe that. To believe in her. But by the time we're done here, you'll know just how wrong you are. Are you ready to see more proof," she asked. He nodded and I put my hand on his shoulder so that I could witness it too.


The girl, Rebekah, and Marcle were at the witch cemetery. The girl held a newspaper. She balled it up and heated up a knife on the candles.

"What do you see," she asked presently. "My father's blade. It went missing when I was a boy. He'd beat me half to death, so sure I had stolen it. Rebekah was so kind to me in the weeks after the beating. I should've known she was the culprit. She never could stand weapons that were things not meant for girls," Klaus explained presently.

"Pran ce mesaj sa a, les cendres sur le vent," the girl murmured in the vision and the newspaper caught on fire and disappeared.


"My sister. Rebekah. Rebekah!"

She showed him the rest of the vision. "I'm sorry. I know how much this hurts. To see what she did... To see who she really is. But you needed to know. You needed to see it. And now that you have, you can take your revenge. Our revenge--"

"Cameron! Cameron!" I gasped for air as I was interrupted. I held my throat and looked around. I was back at the compound in my bed. Elijah, Hayley, and Marcel stood over me. "What the hell," I asked. "I could ask you the same question. You were just floating 3 feet off the bed," Hayley said.

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