44: Parece o primeiro

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parece o primeiro; feels like the first

I was on a mission. A mission to get Klaus to forgive me or at least get him to trust me again. But he's not making it easy for me. I think he enjoys having me be a sweetheart to him. I hate it. I hate being nice to him and he gets to taunt and tease me. Honestly, I'm just waiting for him to mess up so I don't have to be sorry. Then we'll be even.

I was so nice that I said yes to coming to this little dining with the vampires. At least Carlos will be there.

[Clanging] The clanging of glass brings our attention together towards Klaus. "Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift-- immortality. After 1,00 years one might expect for life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrowed to diminish with time, but as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine--" Klau signaled some waiter to come in.

I sat there with my legs in the chair. Blue hoodie on my head, hair in two tight french braids, and sunglasses on. I wanted everybody to know I did not want to be here. The waiter slit their wrist and poured it into glasses.

"Insatiable need, exquisite pain..." I wanted to throw up hearing the sound of the knife slitting their wrist. "Our victories, and our defeats. To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow."

"And the party never ends," Marcle finished for him. "To New Orleans," everybody said, raising their glasses and drinking. I saw one of Marcel's vampires eyeing me and I pointed the middle finger at him.

I was probably acting like a child but to be completely honest I am one.

"I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No. My intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have, what Marcle, in fact, took... and built into this-- a true community of vampires."

"What about her, the wolf... and witch," that same vampire blurted. I scoffed. "Had you let me finish, Diego, you would know that there is, of course, one further matter I would like to address. As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child and my future. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the utmost respect. However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you, I do not."

"Father of the year," I squeeze his hand that rests on my shoulder. "It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how can I sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the bayou to turn," Klaus announced. I laughed. He finally messed up.

"So eat, drink, and be merry, and tomorrow I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead. Have fun. Kill them all," he announced.

Moments later I had pulled him to the side. "No, no, no. I will not let you antagonize those wolves. They're part of my history and Hayley's history. Hell, she's been out there ever since she found out--"

"Ya know I really can't take you seriously with those shades on," he chuckled, fuming my anger. I had them on because when I woke up this morning the sun hit me in my face and I haven't taken them off since then. I snatched the glasses or and tried to glare at him but winced at the brightness.

I let my eyes adjust to the lighting. "Klaus, I'm being serious. You can't let them kill those wolves," I said angrily. He just smiled. I stormed away from him. I'll save those werewolves myself.

I walked to the exit of the compound without letting Klaus see me. "Going somewhere," Diego stepped in front of me. "Are you watching me," I smiled and shrugged. A second later he was thrown to the side.

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