6: Sacrifício

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sacrifício; sacrifice

I had my own little fire circle. I felt like a sacrificed princess. Mine was a little smaller than the other since I kept trying to escape.

"Hey. Guys. Do you remember the last time I saw my sister? I wonder what she's doing right now while I'm getting sacrificed," I yelled as Jules was groaning.

"Gretta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance of nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed," Elena spoke. "My duty is to Klaus! The new order," Gretta said. "It's been confirmed. She's making him," I said.

"Hello, my lovelies. Why is the princess in a circle," he said coming towards my circle. "She kept trying to escape," Gretta said as she let down my fire circle. As she did I tried to run but Klaus sped in front of me. "Don't look so glum, Princesa. You're not being sacrificed," he said, grabbing me and placing me next to Greta at an altar.

"Don't call me that, mutt," I said.

"The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do," Gretta asked. "I remember," Klaus said and Greta dropped the stone into a bowl as sparks flew. A fire rose at the stone she was casting the spell at as Klaus walked to the three girls.

"Give me your hand," she said roughly, taking my hand and cutting it. My blood spilled over the fire and it sparked again. "Woah. Cool. Wait, why'd you need my blood," I asked. "The blood of another hybrid," she said. "Who's the other hybrid," I asked but received no answer.

I watched as Klaus tore Jules's heart out and squeezed her blood into the bowl. "Tell me it's working," Klaus said. "It's working," Greta said. I continued to watch as Klau went up to Jenna. It was ashamed that she had to die, that she was going to die.

Elena protested as per usual but Stefan showed up. Klaus sped up to Stefan and they were talking but we couldn't' hear them. "Jenna, can you hear them," I yelled. "I'm trying... Oh my God. He wants to take my place," Jenna said as they made their way down here to us.

"Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish. Well. Who's it going to be Elena," Klaus asked, pointing the stake from Jenna to Stefan. "No," Elena refused.

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice," Klaus said then he sped up to Stefan and stabbed him in the back. "No! Stefan," Elena yelled. "I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now," Klaus snapped his neck. A sigh of relief came from me but I tensed back up when Jenna was destined to die.

"Whenever you're ready Greta," Klaus said and she let down the barrier for Jenna. "Your turn," Klaus said but Jenna sped to Greta taking a bite from her neck. Klaus sped after her and stabbed her in the stomach. Jenna looked up in pain and fell to the floor. Klaus got on top of her and then stabbed her in the chest with the stake. I wince as Elena screamed and Jenna's skin turned grey.

A tear ran down my face as it was Elena's turn. She was up to the altar involuntarily then Klaus bit her neck. I watched through the fire as Elena took her last breaths and she fell to the ground.

The fire sizzled down and Klaus was looking euphoric. "I can feel it," he said. "The guilt. Yeah, sounds natural," I said. His bones started cracking and he groaned. "Yes. Yes," he cried as he was turning but somebody blasted him back. Bonnie was chanting spells and Damon killed Greta.

"No. You were dead," Klaus cried as Bonnie used her magic. Klaus screamed and Damon took Elena's body to Stefan and took the stake branch out of his chest. The wind picked up and the trees looked like they were about to fall.

Bonnie said her last chant then Elijah came into the picture. Bonnie, Stefan, and I walked up to see the interaction.

"Elijah," Klaus said shocked. "Hello brother," Elijah said then he dug his hand into Klaus's chest. "In the name of our family, Niklaus... "

"I didn't burn them at sea! Their bodies are safe. If you kill me you'll never find them," Klaus said. I want to run away into the woods because there was no way this was going to play in my favor. I ran and it looks like I ran for a good reason. Klaus and Elijah were no longer there so I ran further into the forest. I ran and ran until I fell and hit my head hard against a huge stone.

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