28: Informação para informação

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informação para informação; information for information

"What." Kiss. "Are you." Kiss. "Going." Kiss. "To do." Kiss. "About the hunter?" I asked, breathing hard.

Klaus groaned and stopped kissing me. "Interrogate him. Kill him," Klaus said. Before he could resume kissing me I jumped up. "Alright. I'll leave you to it," I gathered my things.

"Wait. No," Klaus dragged me back. "What are you doing," I huffed. "You're staying with me," Klaus said. "Are telling or asking?" It's a trick question.


"Asking what?"

"Stay with me for the day. Let me have you for the day," Klaus said though he still wasn't asking I was going to give in. A day with him sounded chaotic and challenging. Can't wait!

"Sure," I shrugged to make it seem like I wasn't bursting with excitement right now.

"But first. You deal with the hunter," I said and he groaned. He got up and went into the room the hunter was being held in.

"Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail," Klaus said then he turned to Stefan who was hiding in the shadows. "I was gonna take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to tuss him upin your red room of pain," Stefan said.

"It's from the inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch," Klaus smirked. "What'd you get out of him," I asked. "Not enough. He's mum about the council fire and he's not saying anything about his greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping," Klaus asked.

While their conversation continued I took this as a chance to call up an old friend for information. Ever since I found out that I was this werewolf witch hybrid I've been taking interest in finding out about my parents. If you want information undercover and quickly there's only one person to go to: Katherine Pierce.

I scrolled through my phone looking for her contact and called it.

"Long time no see," Katherine said. "Shhhh," I whispered. I had to leave the house before I could continue my conversation with her. I left the house and walked a block away from it. Can't take any chances.

"Okay go," I said. "Cam, this information isn't free-"

"I could put your location out right now," I threatened. Truth is I have no idea where she is. "You're bluffing. You don't know where I am. Here. Information for information. A little birdie told me that the five is in town," Katherine said deviously.

"Yeah. So what," I huffed. "The tattoo on their arm is a map and leads to something very very valuable for vampires. I need you to keep me updated and eventually give me the location of the item," Katherine said.

"What's the item," I asked. "That's on a not needed to know basis," Katherine said so I shrugged. As long as it's not money, I'm good. "Deal," I said and she hummed in approval. "There's a professor. His name is Shane. He'll keep you on the inside of the situation if you help him out. Then you'll get the information on your parents or remaining family," Katherine said.

"That's not fair! Your task is way easier than mine. Do try to remember that I have to fool Klaus and the rest of the scooby gang," I said stressed. "Information for information. Goodbye, Cameron," Katherine hung up the phone.

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