This is season four.

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Cheers to new beginnings. No more bending over backwards to save Elena's ass. No more lying about unknown feelings. No more absolute bullshit.

"Caroline. You were supposed to be gone by now," I said as she rushed towards the door gathering things. "I know. I know. I'm leaving," she said as she answered a call from Liz. Caroline was telling her that she was just now leaving as I helped her pack her things into the car.

Seconds later I heard struggling and quickly turned to be injected with a needle. I fell unconscious before I had time to react.


Next thing I know I woke up in a van with Rebekah and Caroline. I started laughing as I took in my situation. "What's funny," Rebekah snapped. "A lot of things," I chuckled.

The van came to a sudden stop and glass flew in shards as the van flipped over. When it stopped Caroline and Rebekah were on their backs as I was on top of them. "What the hell happened," Rebekah said. "I believe we are in a car crash with hostages," I said simply.

The door of the van was snapped off and revealed Tyler. Instead of going to Caroline like I thought he would he came to me first. I furrowed my eyebrows just as Caroline did. "Tyler," she asked. Tyler was supposed to be dead.

"I'm harder to kill than you think," he snapped the chains off of my legs and arms. After he released me he helped me release Caroline. Caroline cried in joy while doing so.

"Come on. We have to go," Tyler said quickly, helping me up. What the hell?

And we left Rebekah there.

As we walked in the woods Caroline stepped aside to tell Liz that we got away. Tyler and I just stood there though he was standing awfully close for someone who has a girlfriend.

"Did you miss me," he asked, turning his body to me. "Why would I have missed you? I don't even associate with you," I shrugged. A short silence came over us and I had a question to ask.

"Hey. What's with you saving me first before Caroline? Isn't she your girlfriend," I asked. "Caroline isn't my first priority. You are," Tyler said stepping closer. As he did I stepped back. What the hell?

"What are you doing," I asked as we continued to move backwards. Soon I hit a tree and internally groaned. "Nothing we haven't done before, princess," he whispered against my ear. Huh?

Wait a damn minute... Klaus.

Didn't take any second thought before I kneed him in the balls. He stumbled back holding his goods groaning. "It's one thing to die but it's anothing thing to act dead and take hold of my sister's boyfriend's body," I groaned.

"That's one of the things I enjoy about you... so much more than a pretty face," Klaus said. I stuck my tongue out at him blowing out spit. He sped up to me and caught my tongue. "Watch it, princess. I can only let you slide so much," he said staring at my lips and tongue. My eyes flickered to his and back to my tongue.

He let go of my tongue and slowly leaned in watching my lips. I caught myself leaning also but stopped when I heard Caroline coming back. "Mom was so happy we are okay. But I can't believe Alaric outed you out to the counsel too. You're not even a vampire," Caroline said scrolling on her phone.

She looked up and saw the position we were in and before she could react I quickly fessed up. "That's Klaus not Tyler," I said quickly. "What," Caroline yelled, dropping her phone.

"Nice to see you too, luv," Klaus backed up. Caroline pushed him back as well. "What did you do to Tyler," she demanded. Klaus shrugged. "Just put the guy back," I huffed.


"She said she's not strong enough," Jeremy said, defending Bonnie. "You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely you're strong enough to get me out," Klaus said with a vein popping out of his head. Or Tyler's head.

"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous," Bonnie explained. "Bonnie, do the bloody spell," Klaus yelled.

"She said she can't, okay. Bonnie, is there any chance that I could do it," I asked. "No. It's a type of magic you can't tap into," Bonnie said and my shoulders dropped.

"We'll just wait a few days until Bonnie's strong enough to do it with traditional magic. Right, Bonnie," Daroline suggested. We all looked at each other waiting for her response then Klaus ripped his shirt open. He extended his claws and dug into his chest.

"What are you doing," Caroline yelled. "Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else. Maybe you," Klaus said as he tore through the skin of Tyler. Caroline and Bonnie protested as I winced at how painful it sounded.

Sometimes you learn to not get attached to people.

"He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that," Jeremy said. "What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler," Klaus yelled going further.

"Fine, I'll do it! Just stop," Bonnie yelled in panic. Klaus tore his hand and huffed. "Good. Let's begin," Klaus said.

Moments later Bonnie began the spell.

"This is balck magic she shouldn't be doing this," Jeremy said as she was chanting in latin. Klaus/Tyler opened their eyes taking a deep inhale of air. "Tyler..." Caroline called out holding her necklace.

Tyler looked around and saw Caroline, his face glew up. "Caroline. Hey," Tyler attempted to get up but fell to the ground.

Bonnie started yelling and so did we. We didn't know what she was yelling about all we knew was that the spell was either going wrong or right. Something was happening on the other side to where she was yelling and crying.

"What have I done?! What do I do," Bonnie cried kneeling down. "You're okay. You're okay," Jeremy assured but she kept crying.


I didn't talk to Klaus for the rest of the day after he got back to his body. He pecked his lips and went my separate way. I knew he was still leaving. He knew I wasn't ready to go. At least not yet.


1073 words.

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