20: Mutação

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mutação; mutate

"He was gloating, like actual gloat. Like he was proud of himself for sleeping with her. Is it working," Elena asked. Caroline came in from being outside as Bonnie was trying the spell Esther used. "It's not working. I can hear every word you're saying about Damon the vampire gigolo," Caroline said.

"I don't know. It's a tricky spell," Bonnie gave up. "When Esther did it, she kept the save burning. There was a lot more smoke," Elena said and Bonnie shrugged. "Alright. Try it again," Bonnie said reburning the sage. Caroline huffed and left the room again.

"Let me try," Bonnie involuntarily gave me the sage. I tuned out their conversation to focus. Bonnie and I both know that I wasn't going to be able to do this but why not try.

Elena said that there was more smoke when Esther did it so maybe that was the main problem. I grabbed a new bark of sage and burned it over the candle. I made the fire a little more stronger to make it burn faster. I concentrated on making the room private. No one could hear from the outside

"It worked," Caroline screamed, waking me up. "To drop the bomb on you guys . BTW I'm sorry but I'm dying too. And I have to go through the full moon tonight," I announced and everybody's face dropped. "What," Caroline screamed. "I drank from Klaus's cup that night. And tonight's my first full moon," I flinched as I heard more screaming.

"More of a reason we have to stop Esther," Elena fussed. "Hopefully I die before the full moon because I heard that shits painful," I said. "No. Nobody is dying on my watch. We are fixing this," Caroline fussed. "At least you figured out the privacy spell. But how," Bonnie examined me.

"Focus. Hey! That is not a chew toy," I yelled at Hiraeth who was eating Elena's shoe. He whimpered and let go, coming to sit next to me. "If I die take care of Hiraeth for me," I said calmly. "You're not dying today, tonight, or ever. I will turn you into a damn vampire if I have to," Caroline yelled.

"If todays the last day then we shall live it," I said. I hoped off the bed and walked my dog to the Grill. "We are going to drink the Grill out of house and home," I cheered.

I didn't know walking into the Grill was apart of Damon's plan of distraction for Klaus until Alaric told me. I gave him my dog and went on with the plan. I gave him a smile for good luck.

I walked up to the bar about to pass Klaus and Kol. "Princess," Klaus greeted. "You and you," I said with different tones. "Join us for a drink," he asked. "Underage. But thanks," I nodded awkwardly then left.

I walked fully out of the Grill and across the street as Klaus followed me. "Princess," he called out. I turned and smiled. "Don't tell me you're angry, princess," he said. Did it seem like I was angry.

I just shrugged and continued walking. "Well, how can I acquit myself," He asked and I stopped. I sighed and turned to him taking a step closer. I reached up to him and pecked his lips. I then sat down on the bench telling him to sit next to me.

"You're not angry," he asked and I nodded. "So. What do you want to talk about," I turned my body towards him. "I want to talk about you. Your hopes. Your- your dreams. Everything you want in life," Klaus's tone dropped and I laughed.

"Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you," I chuckled. "Well, that's why I like you," He said, smirking. "Please, you're in love with me," I bragged and he smiled then shrugged.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the full moon was almost here and at that I felt an unbearable pain. I held my stomach as I felt my bones begin to break and rearrange. "Klaus. This, this is it," I groaned. I couldn't hear the words coming out of his mouth but next this I know I was being sped off into the forest.

Think of something else. Something besides the pain. I'm going to die. Nope. Not that. Happy thoughts. Hiraeth. Shit! I left the damn dog with Ric. He'll be fine. Right? Happy thoughts. Wait a damn minute. Klaus didn't deny that he was in love with me. He didn't accept it either. But let's focus on the important part here: he didn't deny it.

Am I going to go all school girl over this? Maybe. Cause I'm a grown woman who is technically underage. Yeah. And this halfway grown woman is in a lot of pain. "Aghhhhh," I groaned.

I refused to open my eyes and face reality. I'm dying and there is no way to stop it. I'm probably being over dramatic. Just a couple of broken bones.

Oh wait. It stopped. I slowly opened my eyes. There was a bright light in my face. Or it seemed that way. When my vision came back it was a light miles away from me. I walked through the woods and everything was more vivid. The smell, sight, all of my senses were going haywire. It felt amazing when the cool breeze of the night gazed at my skin... or fur.

I looked down at my feet... or paws. I jumped at the sight of white fur covering my paw. Cool, I thought. My fur is the same as my hair.

I wonder where Klaus went. He wouldn't just leave me here. Right?

"Princess, I'll be back. Your friends stirred up trouble for the both of us," I remembered him saying while I was turning.

So he knows about the sacrificial mommy and Finn. And the plan we had. Guess I'll just walk around until this wears off. If it wears off.

I explored the area I was left in. Same old woods as I know it. Let's go for a run. Hiraeth always made it seem like it was fun to run away from me out of nowhere. So let's figure out what's so fun about it.

I ran. Ran like my life depended on it. The cool breeze of the night was stronger making my fur flow in the wind. I don't know how fast I was going.

But I knew how far I've already gone. I heard voices. As I near the voices it grew hotter and the light grew brighter. I slowly crept not wanting my presence to be known.

"We're stuck out while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn," Kol said. "Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine," Esther hissed.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity," Elijah said. "My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago," Esther said. "Enough. All this talk is boring me. I have more important matters to attend to. End this now, Mother. Or I'll send you back to hell," Klaus said.

The sound of his voice made my heart jump. Was I his important matters?

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim. Suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you... you're a curse on this Earth. Stretched put over generations. If you've come to plead for your life... I'm sorry. You've wasted your time," Esther said.

I slowly came out of the bushes. Esther and Finn had their back to me. I went up to the circle they were in and scratched off the white powder. I thought it was going to be harder to remove this since it was magic but it was quite easy.

"Sisters, do not abandon me," Esther telled as the fire gew. Soon the fire grew so much that we could see anything. When it simmered down Esther and Finn were gone. And there I was standing still in my wolf form.

Klaus was staring at me by the time my eyes made their way to him. His face looked of awe. Was it because of ny white fur?

He smiled then took cautious steps towards me. I tilted my head in confusion. Did I look dangerous?

He kneeled down in front of me and his smile grew. "Princess," he murmured. He went to touch my head with caution. I leaned into his touch.

If we keep having little cute moments like these he might have to get on one knee.

A/N: Thx for 4.9K guys. I prolly got the timing wrong for the full moon but its a oh well situation.

1485 words

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