46: Mostre-me

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mostre-me; show me

"Cam, I messed up," Hayley said pacing my room. I had just woken up to this. "What did you do? Wait. No. On a scale from one to ten how bad is it," I asked as I got out of bed. "Solid 30."

I got up and locked my door. I grabbed some sage out of the wall behind a loose brick and chanted a privacy spell. "Okay. Now, go."

"You know my pack in the bayou is stuck as wolves, right?"


"Well, when Davina was missing the other day Sophie called me. She said something about needing a witches remains so she could complete the Harvest. In exchange she would lift the curse on the pack. She requested that I'd find the location of Elijah's ex's remains. Fast forward she found it and now Davina is drawing evil pictures of Celeste."

"Jesus Cristo. Don't tell me anymore. Wait. How'd you know about the remains anyway?"

"Elijah told me about them."

"So you talk to Elijah now."

"Cameron that's not the point. What do I do," she asked. "Well, I don't know you and Elijah's relationship. If it were Klaus and I... I'd tell him. He would probably cut me off and have me forever guarded by nightwalkers. Elijah is a forgiving guy so just tell him," I shrugged. "You're making it sound so easy when it's not."

"I don't know, Hayley. Tell him at the right time."

"Great. You're absolutely no help--"

Hayley was interrupted by clashing and a loud bang next door. In Davina's room. "You get him, girl," I mumbled to myself. I left Hayley and went to the living room where ELijah and Klaus were.

"Young, old, dead, or alive, witches are a pain in the ass," I heard Klaus say. "And how'd you prefer me," I asked, folding my arms. "Very much alive, sweetheart," He kissed me forehead and walked off to Davina's room where the clashing was coming from. Hayley walked in after Klaus left. I saw the eye contact between Elijah and her and left them alone.

On my way to also see Davina the ground began shaking. It was an earthquake similar to how my panic attacks were. Only one person could be doing this. I tried to walk to Davina's room holding on to anything.

"What the hell is going on," Rebekah asked from down in the center of the compound. Klaus and Marcel came out of her room. "Davina," Klaus said.

After it passed I went into Davina's room with Rebekah. "Hey. What kind of game are you playing? I said disrupt the household, not destroy the whole city," Rebekah whispered. "I didn't do it. Not on purpose. I-- I don't know what's wrong with me," She said crying.

"I believe you. The same thing happened to me when I first came to New Orleans. Except I wasn't coughing up dirt it was just regular ol morning sickness," I said dusting dirt off the edge of her bed. "I'll be back," I exited her room going back into the living room where Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel were.

"She has too much power she cannot control. That much we already knew, but why is it manifesting itself in such an aggressive manner," Elijah asked himself. "You were shaking half of New Orleans at first. Why is she doing it," Klaus asked. "That was you," Marcle asked and I nodded. "It's not emotional if that's what you're asking. Something is actually wrong with her. She said her power has been growing. When I went into her room I could feel her overflowing with it. Best bet to find out is to ask a New Orleans witch," I explained.

Elijah went to ask Sophie but I went to ask Carlos.

He's been busy since the last time I saw him. Seems like Marcel always has him doing something. I see him around the compound almost everyday but that's it. He's working on overload.

Color ~ Klaus Mikaelson*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora