2: School

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"So, Sarah attacks Tyler, and he pushed her away, and she tripped and fell, and she hit her head," Caroline explained to Damon and I. "Does Matt remember anything," I asked. "Mmm. He thinks he blacked out. But I think, I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident," Caroline said putting her makeup away.

"No. You wanna get in his pants," I teased and Damon cringed. "Yeah, I don't understand that. Guy's a tool," Damon said. "Well, gee, duh. And no. Tyler's getting blamed for Sarah's death. Just opens up questions that he can't answer. And do you really think it's a good idea for him to tell his mom that he's a werewolf," Carolien said, putting on her boots.

She did all these things to get ready for school when all I did was put on biker shorts and a hoodie, along with some slides.

"Well, no," Damon answered. "And that werewolf road leads straight down to vampire boulevard. I thought I was thinking fast on my feet," Caroline said. "Thinking fast is not for blondes," I mumbled but she threw a shoe at me. "Where's your mom," Damon asked.

"Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven't found her body yet," Caroline said, putting on a scarf. "Oh, teens today with their underage drinking. Tragic," Damon said pointing to me.

"Wait. Did you see Tyler's eyes turn yellow," Damon asked. "More gold with amber highlights. Can her turn into a wolf now," Caroline said. "Only on a full moon. And now he has increased strength and who knows what else," Damon said. "My bet's on wings," I said checking my phone because I got a message.

The boys were playing basketball today after school, they wanted me to join. Guess I gotta wear sneakers.

Those silly boys. They just want to see me without my hoodie.

But I've got to admit if I were them I'd want that too. In middle school, I was labeled as the one who didn't need to go through puberty. Then puberty hit and there came boobs, ass, and hips. I already had an ass and hips, part of my Hispanic DNA, but after that, they doubled in size. I wasn't thick or fat, I was hourglassed. Caroline called me perfect in every way, shape, and form. In other words, she was jealous. Our bodies were probably the only way you could tell that we weren't siblings.

The only thing that kept me from being fat was the fact that I was in sports. I could play sports with the girls because I was too aggressive and I couldn't play sports with the guys because I was a girl. So I played sports outside of school. Like when they played after school in the parking lot.

I got up texting in the boy's group chat and walked towards the door. Somebody, I think it was Damon, opened the door for me. I walked to school texting, not paying attention to anything but my phone. The guy you're talking about is Aimee and the other girl is dead.

I was trying to change the subject but they weren't listening to me. I left the chat but somebody added me back in. "Ughh," I signed and bumped into somebody. I looked around and I was in the school. "How the hell," I noticed who I bumped into and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Cam. Nice to see you too," Jeremy said. "Hello, Jeremy. I don't like it when people are blocking the way. I mean, you see a girl here walking and you purposely bump into me because I know you saw me not paying attention," I fussed. "Bye Cam," he walked away smiling.


"Tyler passed me the ball," I yelled. He nodded and passed it to me. I dodged the huge boys with the ball and jumped to shoot the ball. Tyler was covering me as I jumped and hung onto the basket. I let go, landing perfectly on my feet. "Dude, what the hell was that," one of the boys asked.

"Where did that come from," another one said. They must've been new players because they would've known that I could play otherwise I wouldn't be playing with them in the first place. I caught sight of my ride and so did Tyler. "Hey, Cam. Where ya going," they asked.

"Aye yo. I gotta ride to catch," I yelled. "C'mon man. Dude where are you going," they yelled. I stopped and turned back as Tyler went to talk to Caroline. I nodded to the boys as they were about to start playing the game again.

I went up to one of them and wiped my sweat with their shirt then left. "I gotta ride to catch," I yelled heading to Caroline's car. I heard the boys screaming and whistling at what I just did.

I rolled my eyes and hopped in the car. I saw Caroline and Tyler arguing then I saw Tyler kick a trash can and it hit the car. "Relatable," I nodded.

Caroline drove us home and the drive was silent. When We got into the house I decided to say something. "So. Tyler..."

"I don't wanna talk about it," she said as she dropped the keys on the table. "Fine, whatever. I'll be in my room," I said. I went to my room and I was gonna pay someone to do my homework in the group chat. They declined my offer since I wasn't gonna pay them. Fine, I'll look it up.

While doing my homework I heard faint talking. I ignored and finished my homework.

When I finished my homework I was left alone in my thoughts.

There was this one recurring memory that I had of my father. The other memories of my parents had just merged together as death.

He was tucking me in after a long day. "Did you have fun today," he asked me with a thick accent. "Yeah. Can we go again tomorrow," I said giddily. "Maybe. Goodnight Princesa," he said, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Nighty night night," I said snuggling in the blankets as he turned the light off.

I smiled as I thought about that night. I felt a tear come down my face and anger rise. I couldn't remember anything else about my parents. I couldn't remember anything about my Mamãe. It made me angry. I got up from my bed and paced the room. My breathing grew heavier and my mind was racing.

"What the hell is this? Why, why, why? Mamãe, não consigo me lembrar de você. Só consigo me lembrar do papai. Por que não consigo me lembrar de você, mamãe," I said tears streaming down my face. I kicked the bed repeatedly and eventually, it broke. When it broke I turned to the punching bag Liz gave me for my anger.

I punched and kicked it until I had no more energy. It took a while. Sometimes I thought I had ADHD. I fell to the ground and sobbed quietly. I stopped. I sat there and stared into the air with a straight face. "Well, that was fun," I said.

Color ~ Klaus Mikaelson*Where stories live. Discover now