3: Relaxamento

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"Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and I went home from school," Elena said as we were walking through the woods. "You know Caroline's a shit lier," I said. "She's right," Caroline whined. "And keep Stefan busy. I don't want him knowing what I'm up to," Elena said. "She's shittier at duplicity," I said.

"And you know this," Caroline added. "You managed to keep me busy when Katherine paid Stefan a visit," Elena said. "Yeah. Cause she threatened me. Not that I'm saying that you should use that as a tactic. It's-- Stefan's going to see right through me," Caroline fussed.

"Caroline, As my friend, do you promise or not," Elena asked. "Ooh. And she brought out the girlfriend code," I said with a deep voice using my hand as a microphone. "Okay. I promise," Caroline said.

"Why don't you want Stefan to know," Caroline asked. "He would never be okay with her doing this," I answered as we went down the tomb. "Are you sure you wanna do this," Caroline asked. "Yes, I'm sure. She's the only one who knows the truth about Klaus, the only one who can tell me how to stop him," Elena said. "Klaus is a sexy name. Reckon' Klaus is sexy. Probably is, all... most vampires I've met are sexy," I said to myself as they were talking.

"We're not doing this again. You're not gonna double-team us with the bad guy. It isn't funny anymore," Caroline said but I just shrugged. I walked further into the tomb as Elena and Caroline continued talking. "Oh, Katerina," I said with a thick accent.

My accent was real. People have told me at times it can be thick and sometimes it can be hard to understand me. I was born in Brazil but mostly raised in Honduras. I moved to Mystic Falls when I was 10 then my parents died. Weird.

The tomb was close so I tried to open it. It budged but Caroline came to help me and it fully opened. "Thx, sis," I said brushing off my hands. "Katherine... I'll be okay from here," Elena said to Caroline. We heard shuffling coming from inside of the tomb and here came Katherine.

"Hello, Elena. Come to watch me wither away. Goodbye Caroline," Kathrine muttered. "As long as I stay on this side of the door she can't hurt me. Please," Elena said and Caroline left leaving Elena and I with Kathrine.

I left too but I was only gonna stay outside the door for a lookout. "See ya," I saluted to Katherine and Elena. I went outside and sat on a huge rock and pulled out my phone. I was texting back in the boys' group chat. They were bullying me since I didn't come to school today. I told them to fuck off though we were just playing. There were my boys.


I got bored so I took a nap then I got bored again so it was time to leave. "Hey, Elena. I'm going to the Grill. Okay," I yelled down the entrance. "Okay," she yelled back. I walked to the grill. Somehow I had a very good sense of direction in the woods. Hell, I even found a short-cut to the Grill.

When I entered the Grill I saw Caroline and Stefan in a bubbly conversation. I walked up to them and smiled. "Stefie," I rested my hand on his shoulder. I mouthed 'Good Job' to Caroline and continued walking. I also saw Bonnie sitting with two guys. Looked like father and son.

"Hey, Bonbon," I said resting my hand on her shoulder. The two guys looked at me with surprised, puzzled faces. "Who are these two," I asked. "This is Luke and this is his dad, Dr. Martin," she said and I shook their hands. I got this weird vibe from them. The same vibe I got from Bonnie when I first met her. "I'm Cameron Maria Hidalgo Hernadez," I said with my father's accent.

I could tell they felt the same thing by the look on their faces. It was like their suspicion was correct. What they were suspicious of? I don't know.

"Oh. And there is my friend," Bonnie said as Jeremy came in. "Wassup, Jeremy," I said. "Nothing," he said casually. "Alright. Tchau," I walked away. I spent the rest of the day pretty much in relaxation. This was a regular day for me. Everybody else was trying to figure out how to save the world while I was in total relaxamento.

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