47: Que estranho

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que estranho; how odd

Last week was my graduation and I got to reunite with Mystic Falls and all their mystical problems. A bunch of ghosts came back but I wasn't harmed since Klaus was there with me. Everybody freaked about me being pregnant. Elena and Caroline had some words but when don't they. Ever since that "Show me" thing he has been amazingly happy.

When we got back that happiness deteriorated when an old enemy of Klaus's came back. He's a witch named Papa Tunde. He was killing vampires using them as batteries. Unfortunately, he got away at the last minute. Klaus did this flight or fight thing with the vampires and we lost about ¼ of them. No biggie. The biggie is that the Harvest was hijacked. And Papa Tunde found the one place where there was a load of vampires ready to be sacrificed.

Couldn't expect a better welcome home. And that's not even the worst thing. Somebody just delivered Papa Tunde's body to the compound with his throat sliced. I'm gonna puke.

I had Diego make the call to Klaus right now...

"Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps," Klaus smirked. "You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus," Elijah asked. "Back in the day when the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep," Marcel said. "Rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say," Elijah said as he stood up from the body.

"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two fo us as well. If he was supposed to be their prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard," Klaus asked. "Well, don't you all look cherry. Listen to this... a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving her tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux," Rebekah entered.

"Woah. What a coincidence," I nodded. "The tourist thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle."

"Well, maybe it is. They think that all hope is lost, but now suddenly a Harvest girl is resurrected," I explained. "This is how we're gonna get Davina back-- Kill the witch who took her place," Marcel chirped. "I have a theory about who one of them could be... Celeste. I mean it's got to be. Davine was trying to tell us. She was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil was coming," Hayley said holding the picture of Celeste.

"First Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores. Now your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires, they're declaring war on us," Klaus stated.

Moments later Rebekah told me that I had to go to the plantation for my safety. I didn't feel like putting up a fight and she was drunk so I drove there. Hayley tagged along too. When We got there Hayley asked me if she could invite the Crescent pack here since they were only human during the full moon. Turns out she was going to do it whether or not I said yes or no.

She already had people dragging keggers into the house. It's been a minute since I've had a party anyway.


It was only a matter of time until they arrived. So Hayley and I hung clothes on trees for them to change into. "Look," Hayley whispered and pointed to a wolf between the bushes. "Hello, again. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon," Hayley said to the wolf. I let her finish out there and went to check on Rebekah who was making food.

When I went into the kitchen I saw her talking to somebody who was naked. Hmm, I'll just look the other way.

Soon the party started. I was serving food since one, I couldn't drink, and two it's fun. Just seeing their faces so happy. Every once in a while I went around and cleaned up with a mug in my hand. People kept asking me if it were vodka. I just kept my witty responses to a minimum.

As I was picking up plates while drinking my fruit punch I heard tumbling behind me. I smiled. "May I help you," I asked, turning around to see a man watching me. "Did you really invite us here just to clean up after a bunch of... dogs," he asked. I chuckled. "Well, first off, I didn't invite you. A friend did. And second, you dare call yourself a dog," I asked.

"Just being honest. Don't kill the messenger."

"Well I'm usually the one who sends the messenger so I do see it fitting." He smiled. "Is that vodka you're drinking?"

"Ya know, for people with heightened smell, it's surprising to see that you can't tell the difference between fruit punch and vodka. What do you want? The parties out there not here--"

I was interrupted by a phone call. I answered and it was Elijah. "Hello."

"Listen to me. You need to get out of there. SOmething is happening with the witches. Niklaus, Rebekah, they're all in danger."

"Rebekah is here with me but where's Klaus. Elijah--"

I was hit in the back of my head causing me to stumble and drop the phone. I quickly turned around and that guy tried to quickly grab me. I elbowed his stomach and his grip on me managed to loosen allowing me to escape from his hold. I turned around and he was about to charge at me when I chanted and gave him a headache.

He kneeled down and groaned. "She didn't tell me you were one of 'em," he groaned attempting to get back up. I reached for the nearest door but it was locked and I could jam it open. I could hear Elijah yelling on the phone for me to get out of there. "I can't," I yelled. That guy is not going to be out for much longer.

I went for another door and a fire appeared. The fire started to surround me everywhere I turned. "Hayley," I called out. The sound of burning wood and things clashing together copied my hearing. I held my ears and heard ringing. I groaned in pain. I fell to the ground and grabbed the first thing near me. It was a book of poems. The page I saw was A Poison tree. I remembered the time when Klaus was reading that.

My mind instantly went to what Elijah said about Klaus being in danger. I wished I could be with him right now. Tears flooded my eyes and I shrieked in pain as I felt the fire near me. I tried to calm my breathing as the smoke clouded my lungs. I closed my eyes and focused on everything around me.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. The fire was gone. I put it out. But there was still smoke around me. Not a second later I felt arms wrapped around me and sped me out of the house. It was Elijah. I looked around and Hayley and some other guy were out there.

"Where is Rebekah," he asked me. "I don't know. The last time I saw her she was with one of the wolves. Here I'll help you look," I dusted my clothes off. "No--"

"Elijah she was here because of me. And if we find her we can probably find Klaus," I interrupted him. He let the subject drop and we went into the woods looking for her. Eventually, we separated. I couldn't find anything so I tried to use scent to find Elijah but there was still smoke in my system. So I used my hearing.

I heard him and one other voice. Along with two other heartbeats. I quickly followed the sound. I peeped at the scene and saw Elijah on the ground around three witches. One of which was Sabine.

"I guess always isn't forever after--"

I accidentally stepped on the twig and it snapped letting them know of my presence. I cursed at myself. "No. No, she died. I saw it myself. This can't be," one of the witches said looking my dead in my eyes. "You shouldn't be alive," another one said. How rude. "We have to go," Sabine/Celeste said and the witches disappeared. How odd.

1405 words.

Color ~ Klaus Mikaelson*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora