36. Comfort In Your Touch

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Claude took a seat beside you and you jolted in surprise. He ignored your baffled face and leaned back lazily on the sofa.

"Want one?" You asked trying to erase your sudden self-consciousness.

He replied. "No."

You shrugged your shoulder at his cold reply. "Fine. Suit yourself."


You choked at the awkward silence. Claude was scrutinizing you with an intense look, face leaned in his palm casually with an air of indifference but he slightly looked displeased.

"Felix your hair is soft!" You start conversationally, desperate to break the tenseness.

"Really? I just wash them." Felix scratched his cheeks in a shy manner.

You blinked. "You mean it's natural? Aww, why do people like you get the best of deals."

"What so nice about his hair? They look like rotten tomatoes." Claude commented.

Felix visibly deflated.

"Hey! They don't look like rotten tomatoes. More like soft petals of roses." You patted his head consolingly.

As if a switch flipped on, Felix brighten up with a dazzling smile.

Claude gave you a dubious look. "You need to get those eyes checked. His hair looks like a year-old writhed roses."

Instantly Felix deflated, all brightness gone replaced with a depressive aura.

You rebutted instantly. "Hmph! How would you know? You didn't even touch his soft, fluffy hair. They not only look nice but also feel nice!"

Felix beamed, brightness returning.

"Tch. Like I would ever touch those frizzy, shaggy hairs. It looks gross. What more evidence do you need to stay away from it."

"Don't speak before you even experience it. They look soft and they are soft." You were stubborn as you patted Felix's crimson hair and you refuted.

Felix's face twitched, caught between beam and frown. Stuck at a strange expression as if his face was getting whiplash from changing expression rapidly.

"Let's agree to disagree. We'll never see eyes to eyes on this matter."

"Fine. But I still stand in point that Felix's hair is the softest thing ever." You said stubbornly with puffed cheeks.

Claude scoffed. "Dream on. He can't compete with mine."

You too huffed. Both of you looked away from each other pointedly. Felix chuckled nervously, feeling like he was caught between two tantrums throwing children.

You continued with the massage with a small pout. You gently thumped his shoulder with your fists.

"Is that relaxing?" He shrugged off his coat and leaned back, crossing his ankles. He had gotten comfortable to the point that he openly complained about stuffy suits and coats and how he wished he could strangle the person responsible for such uncomfortable clothes.

"It is, your Highness. You should give it a try!"

"Let it be, Felix. He wouldn't want me to---"

"Fine. If you insist. I'll give it a shot." Claude cut you off, nonchalantly replying.

You gawked at Claude's sudden change of heart. Blinking you cleared your throat to hide away your surprise.

"Sure. Let me finish with Felix first."

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