Please Come Home part 12

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B-"Jug! Can you come out on my shoes for me please!"


He walked out of our bedroom then got down on his knees and slipped my shoes on for me.

B-"Thank youuuu"

Ju-"No problem"

He helped me up then pecked my lips and we started walking out to the car.

When we got to the park Jay got out by himself then Jug helped me out and we went and sat down while watching our son play.
We watched him slide down the slide when we saw Fp approach us.

F-"Hey guys"



F-"There's my favorite little guy!"

He ran into Fp's arms as Fp picked him up.

Fp Jones, Fp is Jughead's dad, he has always been very sweet to me. I always wondered how he and Gladys ended up marrying because they're so different.
Fp lives a trailer in the trailer park on the south side with Jug's little sister Jellybean. He's apart of the serpents so he works with them but he also works with Jug at the construction site.

Ju-"Mama can I sleepover at Grandpa's tonight? Pleaseeee"

B-"If it's ok with Grandpa then sure"

Ju-"Can I sleepover Grandpa? Pleaseeeee"

He chuckled.

F-"Sure, I can come pick him up when I'm done with my run"

B-"Yeah, that sounds great we'll see you then"


We all waved and Jayden went back to playing.

As Jayden was playing I kept on getting stares from some of the mothers there, I had always gotten stares when I would bring Jayden to the park. But they never bothered me, yet because of my pregnancy and my hormones it was bothering me. I guess Jug would tell because he grabbed my hand then pulled me into a kiss.

Ju-"Don't pay attention to all the stares, they're just jealous because you're such a hot, young mom"

I giggled as he pulled me into another kiss, then Jayden came running over.
B-"You ready to go buddy?"

Ja-"Yeah, I guess, I don't want grandpa to have to wait"

B-"You're such a sweet boy, you know that?"

Ja-"I know Mama, now let's go!"

B-"I'm goin as fast as I can"

Jug chuckled as I waddled over to the car.

After we got home I packed Jayden an overnight bag, since it was summer he was playing outside with Jug.
As I sipped up Jayden's bag I felt a painful cramp in my stomach, I let out a small groan and sat down on the bed.
As Jug opened the door he saw me sitting on Jay's bed in pain and he rushed to my side.

Ju-"Betty? A-Are you ok? Do you need water? Is the baby coming?"

B-"I-I'm fine, the baby isn't coming. I-I'm just gonna go lay down for a little bit"

Ju-"Here let me help you"

As I stood up my legs gave out and he picked me up bridal style then carried me to our bed. He laid me down and put the blanket over me. He placed a kiss on my forehead then grabbed my heating pad and placed it just around my belly then started to rub it.

Ja-"Daddy! Grandpa's here!"

Ju-"Do you want me to send Jay in to say bye?"

I nodded my head lightly because I couldn't get out any words without my voice cracking.

Ju-"Ok, I'll go get him"

He kissed my forehead once more before going and getting Jay. I watched as the door opened slowly and Jayden pop his head in, it made me chuckle.

Ja-"Hi Mama"

B-"Hi baby"

Ja-"You not feeling good?"

B-"I'm not feelin the best right now"

Ja-"I can make you feel better"

He walked over then snuggled into my arms and kissed my cheek.

Ja-"Did that make you feel better?"

B-"Yes it did"

I chuckled then he started drawing circles on my belly.

Ja-"Look mommy, sissy is kicking!"

I smiled down at him and played with his curly blond hair. 

Ju-"Jay you ready to go?"

Jayden nodded and kissed my belly then kissed my cheek.

Ja-"Bye bye mama, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you"

B-"I love you too my sweet angel"

I cupped his face and kissed his forehead before he ran out of the room and I heard Fp drive off as Jug walked in the room while I started to cry.

Ju-"Love what's wrong?"

B-"I miss him already"

He chuckled and ran his hand through my hair.

Ju-"Pregnancy hormones getting to you today?"

B-"A little bit"

I giggled and he jumped into bed with me then pulled me closer to his warm chest.

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