Please Come Home part 22

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-The next morning-

I woke up in my old bed, my head hurt as well as my stomach while memories of the last few days appeared in my head. My room still looked the same as it did when I moved out except it had pictures of the family and the closet was used as storage.
I remember the day that I moved out, I was 5 months pregnant with Jay and Jug and I had figured it would be best if we moved out because the baby would be here in a couple of months, so we rented a small house.


J-"Ok, everything is packed and in the moving truck. You ready to-"

Jug walked in my room but stopped when he saw me crying.

J-"Princess what's wrong?"

He wrapped his arms around me and sat me down on the bed as I cried into his chest.

B-"I-It's j-just that everything is moving so fast, I feel like just yesterday we were just sitting at Pop's drinking milkshakes. A-And now we're moving into our own house and I'm pregnant and the hormones and-"

J-"Baby, baby, calm down. I know that it's all moving a little fast and with you being pregnant it's overwhelming, but we got this. We're gonna get through everything, I'm always gonna be there. You and our son are my only priority and I just want you both to be as happy as can be"

I sniffed and rested my head on his shoulder with my hand on my baby bump.

B-"Thank you"

J-"Of course my love"

He kissed my forehead then put his hand on my baby bump next to mine.

B-"He's kicking a lot today" (giggles)

J-"He knows how to calm you down"

I kissed his lips as he kissed me back.

-End of flashback-

I started to cry as the memories flooded my head, they poured out in tears.
When I finally pulled myself together I walked downstairs to find my mom making breakfast.

A-"Hi honey"

B-"Hi Mom"

A-"Want some breakfast?"

I smiled then sat down as she slid some eggs over to me. She handed me a cup of coffee as I took a big sip and sighed.

A-"At least your can have coffee, and you can drink again"

I glared at her and she backed off.

A-"Too soon?"

I chuckled softly and she came around and sat down next to me, we both sat on the barstools, drinking our coffee and eating our eggs,

B-"Ok, I'm gonna go pick up Jay"

A-"Ok, d-do you maybe wanna pick up a few clothes while your there? You can stay with me, both of you, I would love to have you guys here"

B-"Mom I can't just move in and take over your house-"

A-"Except your not the one who is just moving in, I am telling you that you are moving in"

B-"Geez, the last time I remember you ordering me to do something was when you told Jug and I to use protection"

I laughed as she glared at me.

B-"Sorry to soon"

She rolled her eyes as I laughed lightly then grabbed my purse and gave her a hug.

B-"I'll be back in a little bit"

She nodded then waved while washing the dishes.
I got in my car and started driving to my old house, my hands were shaking. I was on the verge of having a panic attack. I finally arrived and I got out slowly then walked up to the front door then walked in.
When I walked in I saw beer bottles everywhere, some even smashed. The house was a mess, our glass cabinets were smashed, the door on the drawers were broken and there was 2 empty pizza boxes by the door. The house smelt of smoke and cheap but very strong perfume. I then saw Jay sitting on the couch playing with his paw patrol dogs.

J-"Mama" (tears)

He ran to me and hugged my legs but he didn't let go and I eventually realized a few tears were falling down his face.

B-"Baby what's wrong?"

J-"Why did you leave me? There was a mean lady that came over with daddy"

B-"Oh baby that must have just been the landlord, do you know where daddy is?"

J-"I-In his bedroom"

B-"Ok, get your shoes on, I'll be right back"

I kissed his cheek and stood up then walked to our bedroom, I opened the door to see Jughead and Tiffany naked in our bed...

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