Please Come Home part 40

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Ju-"Betts? Are you okay?"

B-"Y-Yeah, I'm fine"

I called through the bathroom door. As soon as I saw the blood I flung to the bathroom, Jug had seen the blood on the sheets and sent Jay to go play in his room.
I was crying in the bathroom praying that I didn't loose another baby, I finally got the courage to wipe my tears and get out of the bathroom. I had to get to the hospital.
I opened the door and pushed past Jug then grabbed my purse while walking out the front door, when I was suddenly pulled back by my waist. I jumped a little bit as he touched my baby bump.

Ju-"Betts where are you going?"

B-"I-I have to go to the s-store"

Ju-"I can go for you, what do you need?"

B-"No it's fine, I can go, I have to go pick up something from my mom's too"

Ju-"Ok, I love- I... I mean-"

B-"I love you too Jug"

I kissed his cheek then I put our foreheads together.

B-"I'll be back soon"

He nodded as I got a cramp in my lower abdomen and I clutched it.

Ju-"What's wrong?"

B-"Just a cramp"

Ju-"I'm sorry baby. I hope you feel better"


I pecked just lips once again before getting another cramp. My breathe hitched and I walked away and down the stairs of the apartment building before finding my car and driving away.


I walked back into my apartment and saw Jug with Jay on his lap and helping him read a book. I smiled slightly and sniffled. Jug looked at me before coming to my aid as I broke down sobbing. I was gasping for air while burying my face in Jug's chest

B-"I-I'm s-so s-sorry" (sobs)

Ju-"Shh, it's ok"

B-"No... it's not" (sobs)

Ju-"Hey Jay why don't you go play in your room for a little ok?"


He ran off into his room while Jug picked me up and set me on the couch then brushed my hair out of my face and cradled me in his arms.

Ju-"Baby what happened?"

I kept crying, I could barely breathe.

B-"I was pregnant" (whisperers)


I looked up at him before the sobs broke out again.

B-"I'm so sorry, I lost another one of our babies. I'm a terrible mother" (sobs)

Ju-"Baby no, you're not a terrible mother, it's just not our time yet to have another baby"

B-"No, I don't want another baby. I want this nightmare of miscarriages to be over" (sobs)

Ju-"Me too" (tears)

D-"Ms. Cooper?"

The doctor brought me back to earth and looked at me concerned.

B-"Yes, sorry"

D-"As I was saying, your baby is fine"

I put my hand on my heart as tears of joy welled in my eyes.

D-"You're body was just getting used to being pregnant again. Although I am putting you on bed rest for 6 days, you're way to stressed and you need to dial down"


D-"No, although it is early in your pregnancy and this is just your body adjusting to the pregnancy... it was also a wake up call. Your body is telling you to slow down"

B-"Fine" (sighs)

He laughed to himself then talked to me about a few more things before sending me home.

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