Please Come Home part 15

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B-"Jay you ready to go!"


He ran out of his room and opened the front door for me then we both walked to the car.
Once I bucked my seat belt I called Jug to see if he wanted to go to Pop's with us.

The phone rang about 2 times before he picked up.

J-"Hey babe"


J-"What's up?"

B-"Nothing, Jay and I were just gonna go to Pop's and we were wondering if you wanted to go?"

J-"Uh yeah sure, I get on my lunch break in like 5 minutes so I'll see you in a few"

B-"Ok love-"

The line had already disconnected and I sighed then placed the phone down and started the car.

J-"Is Daddy gonna meet us there?"

B-"Yeah, he said he'll be there in a few minutes"

I smiled then drove to Pop's.

B-"Hey Pop, can we have a booth please"

P-"Sure, right this way"

We followed him to our normal seat then he put down some crayons and a coloring sheet for Jayden while giving me a menu.

P-"Are we waiting for anyone else?"

B-"Yeah we're just waiting for Jug, he should be here in a few minutes"

P-"Ok I'll come back when your ready"

B-"Thank you"

Jayden and I sat at the booth in Pop's, Jayden was coloring and I was watching the door waiting for the bell above it to ring and Jughead to walk in.

P-"Are you guys ready to order?"

B-"Um, c-can you just give us one more minute we're just waiting for Jug"

P-"Of course take your time"

He walked away and I sighed as I rubbed my hand over my belly.

J-"Mama, when is daddy gonna be here?"

B-"I don't know baby"

He went back to coloring and I quickly glanced at my phone to see if I had any text or calls from Jug, nope none.

?-"Can I sit?"

We both heard from behind us and turned to see Archie, I nodded and he sat down next to Jay.

J-"Mama who's this?"

B-"This is me and daddy's friend Archie, he used to babysit you a lot when you were a baby"

A-"Yup, we would always play firetrucks together"

J-"I like firetrucks"

He giggled and Archie and I laughed before he went back to coloring.

B-"So how have you been? I haven't seen you in like 3 years"

A-"Well I'm a firefighter, I moved away after high school and now I'm moving back"

B-"That's great, why did you move away?"

A-"My ex girlfriend got a job in New York so I moved with her"


A-"Speaking of, h-have you kept in contact with Veronica? I-Is she seeing anyone?"

Archie has always liked Veronica since high school, she never liked him back though.

B-"Yeah, she is actually dating Reggie Mantle, they started secretly dating in high school"

His face fell and I felt bad.

A-"Oh. W-What about you, I can see your..."

B-"Pregnant and engaged, to the famous Jughead Jones"

We both chuckled as Pop came over.

P-"Hey Archie, wow I haven't seen you around here in a while"

A-"Well i'm back for good hopefully"

P-"Good to have you back. Now do we wanna order?"


I quickly glanced out the window then to the door and didn't see Jug, I turned back to Pop and nodded"

B-"Sure, Archie wanna eat with us?"

A-"Yeah, sure, I don't start work until next week so I have no where else to be"

I smiled then we both ordered then we talked for a few more hours then we said good bye and I took Jay home.

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