Please Come Home part 41

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I walked in through my apartment door and was met with Jug's lips.

J-"Hi love, welcome home"

I smiled and he took my hand then led me to my bedroom. When he opened the door the pretty fairy lights shined lightly. I walked over to the bed filled with pillows and blankets, even a gift basket filled with chocolates and chips.
Jug came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist then kissed my cheek.

J-"I know you haven't been feeling well so Jay and I went to the store and got you some things to make you feel better"

I burst out in tears and Jug took me in his arms before laying me down on my bed and wrapped me up in his arms.

B-"I'm sorry, I love you both so much. I'm just so happy"

J-"It's ok love, don't be sorry"

He kissed me lightly then wiped my tears with his thumb. Soon Jay came in and saw the tears slowly rolling down my face, he jumped up on our bed and came then cuddled in between us both.

B-"I love you, both of you"

I kissed my son's head and kissed my boyfriend before looking down at my stomach and smiling.

B-"And you too" (whispers)

I looked over at Jay and saw him sleeping peacefully. I then looked over at Jug and saw him sleeping as well.
I slowly got up and went down the hall into Jay's bedroom then looked in his closet and pulled out the box of baby clothes that I had for Addi but never got rid of. I lifted up my shirt and rubbed my little bump.

B-"Hi little one, I know you're just a small jellybean right now and mommy doesn't even know who your daddy is yet, but I promise I'll find out soon. I'll make sure that daddy knows about you soon. I love you"

I got up and out the box back in the top of his closet and went out into the dinning room and saw an old picture of my dad and I when I was younger. I sat down and looked at the framed picture in my hands.
Even if he was an asshole for leaving my mom, he was still a good dad and I have a lot of good memories with him. I know he would have been an amazing grandfather to Jay and he would have loved him with all his heart. But he would have also murdered Jug for getting me pregnant.
I chuckled at my thoughts then took the picture and brought it over to the mantle. I stood it up and stared at it for a little before I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and kiss my cheek.

J-"I know you miss him baby"

I nodded my head and he spun me around then wiped the tear that slowly rolled down my cheek. He kissed my lips softly before pulled me into a hug.

J-"I love you"

B-"I love you too"

And in that moment I knew, we were going to be ok. This baby was not going to tear up our family, no matter who the father was. We were all going to love it no matter who she or he had as a father. Nothing could go wrong or tear us apart... right?

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