Please Come Home part 29

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B-"Jug what are you doing here?"

J-"I'm still you emergency contact"

B-"I'm surprised you even answered"

I snickered.  He got up then sat at the edge of the hospital bed. He looked up at me while I looked away, I couldn't even face him, I didn't want to.

J-"Listen Betts, I was thinking that maybe... maybe we could give this another shot?"

I burst out laughing and moved his hand off of my thigh while he looked at me confused.

B-"You are such a fucking prick!"

J-"Excuse me?! I'm the prick?! I'm not the one who was probably drunk at 9 am and got into a car accident, leaving out son alone with who?!"

I stared at him with pure hatred in my eyes, he hadn't changed and never will.

B-"Get out"


B-"Get the hell out"

He was going to argue but he knew I wasn't having it so he grabbed his coat then stormed out of my room, he still hadn't changed, and I was happy with my decision to leave him, our relationship was toxic and now I can live happily with my son.

-A couple of days later-

J-"Mama can I snuggle with you?"

B-"Sure baby"

He climbed up with his stuffed animal and slid under my free arm. My other arm had been broken in the accident and it was in a cast.
Jay had been my own personal doctor with the new doctor kit Auntie V bought him. Veronica and the girls had come to visit me in the hospital and we talked about a few things, they said they were sorry for my loss but were hyping me up for leaving Jug. They really were the best friends anyone could ask for.
I also told Sophie I would be back to work in a couple of weeks about my arms had healed so I was pretty excited to be going back to work but sad I would be leaving Jay. We had always had a very strong and tight relationship, we were never apart because I worked from home so I don't know how he is going to react. But I am doing it for us, so I can get my own apartment and give Jay the happy life he has always deserved.

A-"Knock knock"

The door opened to appear Archie, he had 2 small bags with him and as he walked in a small smile appeared on my face.


Jay jumped off the bed and ran over to him then gave him a hug.

A-"Hi bud. I got something for you"

Jayden's face lit up as Archie pulled a red firetruck out of one of the bags.

J-"Firetruck! Look Mama it's a firetruck!"

He held the truck up proudly, a huge smile across his face.

J-"Thank you Archie!"

He jumped into his arms, leaving Archie stunned for a second, but he hugged back. It was sweet to see them bonding, I was happy that they got along.

A-"Hey how about you go into your room and play for a little bit then I'll come in and play with them with you"


He ran off down the hall to his room and Archie shut the door then came over to me and handed me the other bag.

B-"What's this?"

A-"You really thought I wouldn't get you anything"

I chuckled then took out the pink tissue paper and set it to the side. I reached in and grabbed out a perfume bottle, I smiled as I pulled it out, then I realized...

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