Please Come Home part 8

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~1 week later~

After about 2 days everything had gone back to the way it was before, Jughead would go to work in the morning then come home drunk late at night, leaving me to take care of Jayden everyday and go to work myself.
When I would have to go into work Veronica or my mom would normally watch him. Today I was working from home, Jayden was playing with his toy cars in the living room and I was writing on the couch. The baby was kicking like crazy and she hasn't stopped all day.
Jayden came over and sat next to me on the couch and started running his trucks over my belly, I chuckled softly and ran my fingers through his hair.

J-"Mama can we go to the park?"

B-"We'll see baby, I have to get this paper done"


I continued to type on my laptop until I had to go and print out the paper. I got up and walked into the dining room where the printer was, I waited for it to print out then took out the papers and placed them in the pile then walked back over to the couch and sat down next to my son. I heard our front door open and I looked behind me to see Jughead's mother burst through the door, damn it Jughead you didn't even tell me she was coming.


Jayden ran over to her and ran into her arms. She kissed his cheek then got up and walked over to me, she walked to me with her arms open but instead of giving me a hug she bent down and gave my baby bump a hug.

G-"How is my granddaughter doing?"

B-"She's doing great she-"

G-"Oh you look a little... overweight, have you seen a doctor about that?"

B-"Actually I am at a good weight the doctor said"

G-"You don't look like it"

She mumbled under her breath but I heard it. Due to my stupid hormones a few tears slipped out of my eyes, I quickly turned and wiped them so she didn't see them.

G-"So where's Jug?"

B-"He's at work"

G-"Why do you make him work so much, you should work so Jug isn't under so much stress"

B-"Well I am pregnant and this pregnancy has really put a strain on me"

G-"Well maybe if you actually took care of yourself then it wouldn't be a problem"

My blood boiled and I started digging my nails into my palms, I took a breath in and let it out so that I didn't explode on her.

G-"Well how about I go take this little guy to lunch and we'll be back in a little while"

B-"Actually he is supposed to go to my mothers-"

G-"Well she gets to see him every day but I don't, so you'll just have to cancel on her"

My mouth opened but I held back on my harsh words and just let her take him to lunch. When they left I took a shower and cleaned up the house so she didn't make any comments on my messy house.
After I finished tidying up the house I hoped in the shower then changed into some maturitny jeans and a light pink shirt, I grabbed my purse and the papers then picked up some lunch and drove to my office.

S-"Hey Betty!"

B-"Hey Sof, I got you some lunch and finished the paper for tomorrow"


I handed her a bag of Pop's then sat down and logged onto my computer then answered a few emails.

S-"Where's Jay?"

B-"Jug's mother came today and took him to lunch"

S-"Oh, I didn't know she was coming, you didn't have to write I could've taken care of it"

B-"I didn't know either, Jug supposedly forgot to tell me about her coming"

S-"Oh that sucks, i'm sorry"

B-"It's fine. I should acually get going, I'm going to have a little chat with my fiance"

S-"Go lay it on him girl"

I chuckled then gave her a hug and walked out to my car then drove to the construction site.

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