Please Come Home part 23

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B-"J-Jug" (tears)

J-"Betty it's not what it looks like-"

B-"Oh really Jughead!? Because it looks like your fucking your coworker with our son in the next room!"

I turned back around and slammed the door shut then ran out to Jay with Jug following behind us with a sheet wrapped around his waist.

B-"Come on Jay we're leaving"

Ju-"No, please Betty"

He grabbed my wrist but I got out of his grip.

B-"What was it Jughead? Was I not pretty enough? Did my body change? Was it because I wasn't good enough? I don't understand it anymore, I was so happy, we were so happy, we could have gotten through our money problems together. But you decided to shut me out and be horrible to me! You treated me like shit! And now our baby girl is gone! She's gone Jug!"

I sniffled and grabbed Jay's hand.

B-"I'm moving out, when I find that it's the right time I will let you see Jay. But until then fuck whoever you want, because you sure as hell didn't feel guilty about it when we were together"

I smacked him in the face then walked out with Jay.
I put Jay in his car seat then drove back to my moms.


A-"Hi sweetheart"

He hugged my mom then went over and played with his trucks in the living room.

A-"Your back quick, what happened?"

B-"I found him in bed with his coworker"

I sarcastically smiled and rolled my eyes.

A-"I'm sorry honey"

B-"I'll get over it, but I was wondering if maybe Jay and I could stay here for a little while, just until I get us an apartment"

A-"You don't even have to ask"

I smiled and she pulled me into a hug until the doorbell rang and we pulled away.

A-"Come in!"

I looked at her confused but then saw Polly and her twins Juniper and Dagwood walk in the door.
Juniper and Dagwood ran over to Jay then they all went upstairs to play while Polly, my mom, and I sat down at the table.

P-"I heard what happened Betty, I'm so so sorry"

B-"Thank you"

Polly Cooper, my older sister. Even though she's 3 years older then me she's always been known as the party girl, the hot cheerleader, the "fun one"
That was until she got pregnant by her boyfriend, he's in jail right now for dealing drugs. Now she has her 2 twins, Juniper and Dagwood. They're 6 years old and best friends with Jay.

A-"I'm gonna go do some laundry, I'll be right back"

We both nodded and as she left the room I opened her cabinet of alcohol and took out a bottle.

P-"Um don't you think it's a little early to be drinking?"

B-"I just delivered my dead baby and caught my fiancé cheating on me with his coworker. I don't give a fuck if it's 12 o'clock at night or 8 in the morning, I'm having a drink"

Polly laughed, she knew I was never that kind of girl. The girl to day drink, I was always the girl that would take the kids while she say drank.

B-"Want some? It's amazing"

I held up the bottle of alcohol but she declined.

P-"No I'm good"

B-"Oh come on!"

P-"Trust me, I would, but not today"

B-"Suit yourself"

I took another shot from the bottle then looked over at the fridge to see a picture of Jay helping Jughead grill at a barbecue.

B-"Look at this jackass" (drunk)

I grabbed the picture off of the fridge and took it outside then lit it on fire and threw it into the fire pit. I then took another sip of the alcohol then poured some into the fire making big flames blow up.

P-"Betty! Betty come on, let's go back inside"

B-"No, I want more stuff to burn. Where are the photo albums of Jug and I"

I started to walk inside with Polly following behind me, I looked in my room and found a photo album of Jug and I then grabbed it and started to walk out of my room when Polly grabbed it from me.

B-"Hey! Give me it back!"

P-"No! Betty you can't drink and burn your feelings away!"

B-"Why not!?"

P-"Because that's what I did! It only helps for a few hours then it hurts even more. And I'm not letting my little sister go through the same thing I went through, I'm gonna help you through it. So give me mom's bottle of alcohol, and go downstairs"

Please Come Home Where stories live. Discover now