Please Come Home part 7

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Ju-"Ok we're here!"


I got Jayden out of the car while Jug got the bag out of the trunk. We all walked over and set down the bag then I put sunscreen on Jayden and we all jumped in.

Ja-"Mama! Daddy! Watch this!"

He jumped off of the rock and swam back to us.

B-"Good job buddy"

Ja-"Daddy come jump with me!"

Ju-"Ok coming!"

They both went to the top of a rock and jumped off, splashing me as they hit the water. Jug swam over to me and pulled me onto his lap then wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss.

We were all sitting by the fire that we had made, the sun was setting and it was beautiful. Jayden was sitting by the fire and making smores while I was resting my head on Jug's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my back.

Ju-"You tired baby?"

B-"A little bit"

He kissed my head as Jayden came running over with 2 smores.

Ja-"Here ya go mama"

He handed me one of the smores then sat down on the ground by my belly.

Ja-"Cheers sissy"

He tapped the graham cracker to my belly and then took a bite and smiled.
B-"Is it good?"


We both laughed and I took a bite of my smore. I had been craving chocolate since we got here and I finally got some so my mood lightened a bit.

A few more minutes had passed by and it was almost completely dark out, the fire was still going and Jayden had fallen asleep in Jughead's lap. I laid my head on Jug's shoulder and he wrapped his free arm around me.

B-"Jug... I'm scared"

J-"Of what baby?"

B-"For after the baby comes, what's gonna happen to us?"

J-"What do you mean..."

B-"You are always working, we're always stressed, it's causing you to drink, we have Jayden, money's tight for us right now and your never home. We miss you"

J-"I know princess, I'm sorry, I should't be going out and drinking every night while your home taking care of Jay. I-I'm working on my next book right now but I've been having writers block and I guess that's why I've been going out and drinking every night. I just want you, Jay, and this one to have everything you guys want and need"

B-"Just having you home is more then enough"

J-"Ok, I promise I will start working more from home, I won't go to the bar as often, and every Sunday morning no matter what we will go to Pop's and have breakfast as a family. Ok?"


He kissed the top of me head then started rubbing my back as we both stared at the fire.

~Flash forward 1 month~

Jayden and I sat at the booth in Pop's, Jayden was coloring and I was watching the door waiting for the bell above it to ring and Jughead to walk in.

P-"Are you guys ready to order?"

B-"Um, c-can you just give us one more minute we're just waiting for Jug"

P-"Of course take your time"

He walked away and I sighed as I rubbed my hand over my belly.

J-"Mama, when is daddy gonna be here?"

B-"I don't know baby"

He went back to coloring and I quickly glanced at my phone to see if I had any text or calls from Jug, nope none.

?-"Can I sit?"

We both heard from behind us and turned to see...

~Back to the present~

B-"I love you"

J-"I love you too"

I pecked his lips before he helped me up and carried Jayden to the car then buckled him into his car seat while I put the picnic basket back in the truck then slid into the passenger seat and adjusted my seat belt so that he fit under my belly. Jug got in the drivers seat and turned on the car then drove home.

Please Come Home Where stories live. Discover now