Please Come Home part 17

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B-"Jay come give me a kiss I have to leave for work!"

He came trotting into the living room with his stuffed animal in his arms.

J-"Why do you have to leave?"

B-"Because I have to go to work"

J-"But I don't want you to go"

B-"I know, I wished I didn't have to go either"

J-"Will you at least be home to tuck me in"

B-"I'll try my best, but as soon as I get home I'll come in and tuck you in ok?"


B-"I promise"

He smiled slightly and hugged me gently making sure not to hurt the baby.
As we pulled away I got a cramp in my stomach and I let out a small grunt.

J-"Mama? Are you ok?"

B-"Yeah yeah I'm fine, c-can you go out to the car and I'll be there in a second?"

J-"Ok Mama"

B-"Thank you baby"

He smiled then walked out the front door and I let out a small sob.

B-"Come on Addi don't make this to hard for mommy, I love you and I'm sorry for working and stressing so much"

I rubbed my belly then grabbed a water and walked out to my car then drove to my mom's.

B-"Mom! We're here!"

I called out as we walked through the front door and heard my mom coming down the stairs. Jayden ran into her arms and gave her a big hug then she came over to me and gave me a hug, but as we pulled away I winced in pain as I got a cramp in my stomach.

A-"Are you ok?"

B-"Yeah just a few cramps"

A-"Maybe you should stay home from work today-"

B-"Mom i'm fine"


B-"Well I have to get to work, love you guys I'll see you in a few hours"

I said and kissed them both on the cheek before leaving and going to work.

-3rd person-

Betty continued to go to work but through out the day she continued to feel terrible and painful cramps in her lower stomach. She kept on telling herself it was nothing and kept working.

Finally when she was done with work she picked up her lovely sleeping son and went back to her small house, she laid him down and kissed him good night then changed and laid down in her own bed, lonely, she couldn't fall asleep because the cramps were getting worse and worse. She slowly calmed down from the painful cramps when she felt a wet liquid running down her legs. She looked down thinking that her water has broken, but it wasn't her water breaking... it was blood

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