Please Come Home part 13

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Ja-"Hi Mama"

B-"Hi baby"

Ja-"You not feeling good?"

B-"I'm not feelin the best right now"

Ja-"I can make you feel better"

He walked over then snuggled into my arms and kissed my cheek.

Ja-"Did that make you feel better?"

B-"Yes it did"

I chuckled then he started drawing circles on my belly.

Ja-"Look mommy, sissy is kicking!"

I smiled down at him and played with his curly blond hair.

Ju-"Jay you ready to go?"

Jayden nodded and kissed my belly then kissed my cheek.

Ja-"Bye bye mama, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you"

B-"I love you too my sweet angel"

I cupped his face and kissed his forehead before he ran out of the room and I heard Fp drive off as Jug walked in the room while I started to cry.

Ju-"Love what's wrong?"

B-"I miss him already"

He chuckled and ran his hand through my hair.

Ju-"Pregnancy hormones getting to you today?"

B-"A little bit"

I giggled and he jumped into bed with me then pulled me closer to his warm chest.

When I woke up I didn't feel Jughead next to me, my stomach was still cramping up but it wasn't as bad as before.
I slowly sat up and grounded then started walking down the hall, till I came across Addison's room, it was fully painted and had a pretty wallpaper with purple flowers on the trim. I then saw Jug sitting down on the floor and putting together the crib.
When he saw me he smiled then got up and helped me walk over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

J-"How are you feeling?"

B-"Better, the room looks beautiful Jug"

J-"Thanks, I like the wallpaper that you picked out"

I smiled and looked around at the purple flowers on the wallpaper.

J-"And this is the same rocking chair that we got for Jayden's room when he was born, and I am having better luck putting together this crib then the last one"


We had just moved into our small house, I was making dinner when I heard Jug yelling. I walked over to Jayden's room and saw him sitting on the floor reading the instructions to put the crib together.

B-"You ok babe?"

J-"This stupid thing just doesn't wanna be put together!"

I chuckled and walked over then sat down in the rocking chair then rubbed my belly.

B-"Why don't you come eat dinner and we can work on it in the morning"

J-"No, we only have 2 more months left til your due date and I have to put the crib together"

B-"Ok, but you have to eat so..."

I grabbed our plates and brought them into the nursery, I gave him his then sat down next to him.

J-"You didn't have to bring me dinner"

B-"Well maybe I wanted to eat with my boyfriend"

J-"I love you"

B-"I love you too"

-End of flashback-

B-"I can't believe she'll be here in like 3 months"

J-"I know. How long after she's born do you wanna get married?"

B-"I wanna at least wait a year, so then she can be in the wedding, we'll save up enough money, and I probably won't be getting pregnant for a couple of years"

J-"We'll see about that"

He smirked and I laughed, but my laugh was cut short by another painful cramp in my stomach. My breath hitched and I tried to hide it but Jug noticed and came over then rubbed my belly.

J-"Where does it hurt?"

B-"R-Right here"

I pointed to the lower part of my stomach as tears welled in my eyes.

J-"Do you want me to run you a bath"

I nodded and he helped me up and brought me to our bed then walked into the bathroom and started the bath then helped me into the bathroom.

Please Come Home Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora