Please Come Home part 11

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J-"Betty" (whispers)

He picked the lock and slowly walked in, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to me in the corner by our bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

B-"I knew right from when I was holding the pregnancy test in my hand I wouldn't be a good mom, but I was still going to try my best"

I sobbed into his chest.

J-"Hey, look at me, you are a great mom. From the very beginning you have been an amazing mom. I love you, Jayden loves you, and I know this little bug will love you. So don't listen to my mom, I told her to leave"


J-"Really. Come on let's go to bed and we can talk about a name for our little girl tomorrow"


He helped me up and into bed then climbed in next to me and pulled the covers over us then rubbed my belly.

J-"I love you, get some sleep"

B-"I love you too"

And with that I turned off my lamp and Jug pulled me closer to his warm body where I was pressed up against his chest. I put my hand on top of his and closed my eyes then quickly fell asleep.


B-"No, what is with you and these names"


B-"I just don't feel like she would be an Eva"

J-"What about... Addison?"

B-"Addison, baby Addi. I love it"

I leaned in and pecked lips then pulled away and smiled down at my belly.

B-"Hi Addi"

I giggled while rubbing my bump. Jug put his hand on top of mine and we both felt her kick, then Jay ran over and sat in Jug's lap.

Ja-"Mama can we go to the park today?"

I looked over at Jug and he smiled.

B-"Sure, but first can we eat breakfast, I'm starving"

Jug chuckled, and I glared at him.

B-"I'm carrying your child"

J-"Yes you are"

I giggled as he got out the bacon and eggs then started cooking them.

J-"Here you go my love"

Jug placed a plate of breakfast in front of me and I immediately ate the whole thing leaving Jug to chuckle.

B-"Excuse me, can you let the pregnant woman eat in piece please"

J-"Sorry sorry"

Please Come Home Where stories live. Discover now