Please Come Home part 28

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Jug popped up and ran inside then came out with his laboring fiancé.

Ja-"So can I go Dad?"

Ju-"Sure, I just have to get Tiffany to the hospital. I-I'll call Veronica"

Jughead helped Tiffany to the car while telling her to breathe, he started the car then gave his old friend a call. She said she would be right over.
Finally Veronica drove up their long drive way and when she got out of the car Jayden greeted her with a hug.

Ju-"I missed you"

V-"I missed you too"

Ju-"Um hello, can we get this reunion wrapped up. My fiancé is in labor"

V-"You sure didn't care when your ex fiancé tried calling you thousands of times when she was in the hospital giving birth to your dead baby"

Ju-"Oh come on Veronica! That was like 5 years ago! And plus she's not even alive anymore so why does it matter"

V-"Fuck you"

Veronica took Jayden's hand and led him to her car where he hopped in his booster seat in the back. As they drove away Jay looked back to see his father smiling and kissing his soon to be step mother.
They drove to the graveyard where Jayden's mother and Veronica's best friend laid. Veronica had picked up flowers for Jay to put beside his mother's grave.
As they both walked to her grave they laughed slightly at the memories that she had left, they both missed her so much and even after 3 years it still felt weird that she was gone.

J-"Happy Birthday Mom"

Jay put the pink flowers down beside his mother's gave, a few tears welling in his eyes. Next was Veronica, she had some big news to share with her best friend.

V-"Hey Jay can you go wait by the car for a second, I'll be over in a second"


He walked over slowly back to his aunts car while Veronica talked to the grave of her best friend, hoping she was listing from heaven.

V-"Hey B, I have some big news, I'm pregnant"

Tears started to slowly fall down her face as she put her hand on her stomach, a bump slowly forming, yet no one could tell because of her big sweater.

V-"God B, I don't know how I'm going to do this without you. I haven't even told Reggie yet, and we just got in a big fight and I don't know what to do. I-I just need you Betty, I need you and I wish that you were still here. I wish you could take Jay away from his miserable life he has now. I miss you so much" *sobs*

Jayden had seen his aunt sobbing from her car and came over to her then opened his arms around her, they both cried, they both missed their best friend.

J-"I miss her so much"

V-"I do too Jay"

I jolted away, as I sat up everything hurt. I looked down to see my left arm bandaged up and in a cast. Then I looked to my right and saw someone sitting there. When he looked up I saw who it was.


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