Please Come Home part 18

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B-"No no no"

I immediately grabbed my phone and called Jug, I tried to call him at least 5 times but it went straight to voicemail every time. So I had to call my mom.


B-"M-Mom" (tears)

A-"Betty what's wrong?"

B-"Mom I'm bleeding, my stomach is cramping up really bad, a-and I haven't felt her move or kick in almost 2 days" (sobs)

A-"Ok honey don't worry, I'm gonna come over and bring you to the hospital just to get an ultrasound. Did you already call Jughead?"

B-"I tried he won't answer"

A-"Ok call Veronica so she can watch Jay and I'm leaving now"


A-"Don't worry honey everything will be ok"


I couldn't speak anymore, I was sobbing and I couldn't get the words to come out. The line disconnected and I started sobbing again. I heard my bedroom door open and saw Jayden tiptoe in.

J-"Mama, why are you crying?"

B-"N-No reason"

He took a tissue and wiped my tears then gave me a kiss.
He then laid his head on my lap and soon I heard soft snores as I called Veronica.


B-"Veronica I need you help"

V-"What's wrong?"

B-"I-I need you to come and watch Jay"

V-"Right now?"

B-"Y-Yes please, I'll explain when you get here"

V-"Ok I'll be there"

B-"Thank you"

I hung up and slightly moved Jay to the side of me then got up and started to cry again.

B-"Please be ok baby girl, I can't loose you"

I felt another cramp and held my stomach then called Jug again, of course it went straight to voicemail so I left one.

B-"Jug, p-please call me back. Something's wrong with the baby and I need you right now, my mom is coming to get me to bring me to the hospital and Veronica is coming to watch Jay. Please Jug I need you and I can't loose her, if you get this please call me back. I love you"

I started to sob as I hung up and heard the door open then Veronica and my mom run into my room to see me in pain.

V-"Betty what's going-"

She then saw the blood on my sheets and saw me holding my stomach in pain.

B-"The cramps and bleeding haven't stopped and I haven't felt her move at all" (sobs)

A-"Come on honey let's get you to the hospital"

She helped me up as I sobbed. I saw Jay stir awake and I turned back to him.

J-"Mama? Where are you going?"

B-"I have to go to the doctors for a few hours but I'll be back soon, be good for Auntie V for me"

J-"Ok, I love you Mama"

B-"I love you too baby"

I gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek then gave Veronica a hug and my mom walked me to her car.

B-"Mom I can't loose her, I just can't" (sobs)

A-"And you won't, just stay calm and we'll get you to the hospital"

As we drove up to the parking lot she helped me out and to the front desk.
They got me into a hospital room and did an ultrasound immediately.

D-"Ok Betty, how long has your stomach been cramping?"

B-"S-Since this afternoon"

D-"And how long have you been bleeding?"

B-"About an hour"

D-"Ok, how long has it been since you left any movement in your stomach?"

B-"I haven't felt anything since Tuesday night"

The doctor stayed quiet as he looked at the ultrasound, I got really worried and looked over at my mom whose face was blank.

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