Please Come Home part 33

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It was now party time, everybody had already gotten here and all the kids were playing on the playground, the adults were chatting away while eating chips. Jughead and I stood by each other and watched our son play happily with all of his friends.

B-"God, I can't believe he's 5, I remember when I was at the hospital in labor like it was yesterday"


B-"Jug it hurts!"

J-"I know baby, your so strong just a couple more hours then he'll be here"

B-"I can't do it Jug, it hurts so much"

I sobbed as he massaged my back and the doctor walked in.

D-"How are we doing?"


She chuckled then put on some rubber gloves.

D-"Well good news, looks like your dilated 10 centimeters"

B-"Oh thank god!"

Jug laughed as the doctor threw her gloves in the trash bin.

D-"Ok, we're gonna bring you into delivery"

I gave her a weak smile as nurses came in and wheeled me into the delivery room.

D-"Ok Betty on your next contraction I want you to push for 5 seconds ok"

I nodded my head as Jug wiped it with a cold washcloth.
My contraction started and I pushed like the doctor said.

D-"Good, ok 3...2...1... and relax"

J-"Your doing so great baby"

B-"I hate you"

Jug chuckled and kissed my forehead.

D-"Ok now for your next contraction I want you to push for 7 seconds got it?"

I nodded my head and sat up as the contraction came over me, then started to push. I let out a little scream.

D-"Good ok, and 3...2...1... and relax"

B-"Is it almost over?"

J-"Yes baby it's almost over just a few more minutes"

I nodded weakly.

D-"Ok Betty now I'm gonna need you to push for 10 seconds ok?"

B-"Ok" (faintly)

J-"You got this"

He dabbed my forehead with the cold cloth then my contraction started, I tried to push for 10 seconds but I couldn't I was to tired I couldn't do it.

D-"Betty I need you to push harder"

B-"I can't! I can't do it!"

I sobbed, Jug came down so that I was face to face with him.

B-"I can't do it Jug"

I whimpered,

J-"Betty, look I know it hurts, I know you probably hate me, but I also know how strong you are. You just have to push a little harder, do it for Jay. Can you do that for him?"

I nodded my head weekly and he smiled then pecked my lips.

J-"You can do this princess, I know you can. I love you"

B-"I love you too"

He wiped my tears then we both turned back to the doctor and I nodded my head before I started to push again.
I pushed as hard as I could and we soon heard Jayden's cry's fill the room.

D-"It's a boy!"

He was still crying as they wiped him off, they then handed him to me.

B-"Come here my baby boy"

I cried as he was placed on my chest.

J-"You did it baby, I'm so proud of you"

He pecked gave me a kiss on my cheek then looked down at our son.

B-"We have a son" (sobs)

J-"yeah we do" (tears)

~end of flashback~

J-"You raised him good"


J-"Oh please, I was a terrible dad, you did all of the work"

B-"You were not, you were there for his first words, when he took his first steps, when he hit his first baseball. You were there for all of it"

He smiled at me then inched closer.

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