Please Come Home part 10

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He ran to me then jumped up in my lap and gave me a hug.

B-"Hi baby, how was Pop's?"

J-"Good, grandma brought me to the park!"

B-"Good for you, speaking of... where is grandma?"

J-"She's getting her bags"

B-"H-Her bags"

I got up and walked out the door to see her getting 5 full suitcases out of her car. Oh god, I walked over to her.

B-"U-Uh w-why do you have so many suitcases?"

G-"Jug didn't tell you, I'm staying until the baby is born so I can make sure your doing everything right"

B-"I-I am doing everything right, I've done it with Jay and he has turned out amazing"

G-"Sure he has"

She gave me an encouraging smile then handed me a suitcase.

G-"Would you take that in for me"


I dragged her suitcase up to the front pouch and then inside, I placed it down in the living room and put my head in my hands then sat down on the couch as Jayden climbed onto my lap.

J-"You ok mama?"

B-"Yeah, just a little stressed"


B-"It's nothing for you to be worried about, now go help grandma with her suitcases"


He gave me a hug then hopped off my lap and walked outside. I laid back and gently rubbed my belly.

B-"Dinner's ready!"

Jayden came running out of his room with Gladys following behind him. They both sat down at the table as I placed plates in front of them, Jayden's eyes lit up because he loved chicken.

J-"Thank you mama,"

B-"No problem"

I smiled then sat down and started eating. The tension was there and neither of us could deny it, every few minutes Gladys would glance at me. I didn't know what her problem with me was and I hadn't figured it out all these years that Jug and I had been together. She was nice to me until she found out that I was pregnant, every chance she would get she would throw a snarky comment at me. I never got the courage to stand up to her, neither did Jug. I guess some things never change.

After we were all done eating Jug still hadn't come home yet, I was guessing he was at the bar. I still made him a plate of chicken just like he asked. I even left it on the table for him but he didn't come home until late that night when everyone was sleeping... but me.

He stumped in the door obviously wasted.

B-"There's chicken on the table for you"


He walked over then sat down and started eating, I got up and sat across from him.

B-"So when were you gonna tell me that your mom was coming? And staying till I have the baby!"


B-"You said you would change! How long did that last?! 2 weeks!"

J-"It's hard Betty-"

B-"You don't think I know that! You give me so much shit, when are you going to get it in your head! We have a baby on the way and we don't have a name! A room for her! We don't even have a crib!"

J-"I know that Betty! I'm trying-"

B-"You're trying what? What the hell could you be possibly trying! Your son misses you, I miss you, your daughter that isn't even born yet misses you! We see you for maybe 2 minutes before you leave to go god knows where"

J-"Don't even start with this shit, I go to work for our family! So that you, and Jay, and the baby can have everything you want"

B-"We want you home"

We both stayed silent until Jayden and Gladys came out into the living room.

G-"What's going on out here?"


G-"Really, it doesn't seem like it if you wake up your son. What kind of mother are you to just wake up your son in the middle of night?

I choked back on my words as my vision became blurry, I looked over at Jug to see him looking at the ground.

B-"I-I'm just gonna go to bed, i'm sorry"

I ran off to my bedroom and locked the door then just broke down and cried. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face.

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