Please Come Home part 14

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B-"Turn around"


B-"Because my body is ugly"

J-"Baby, you could never be ugly, your gorgeous and never think different"

B-"Fine, but I warned you, I don't look the same as I did before"

J-"And yet your still the most breath taking, sexy mom I have ever seen"

I giggled and sat down in the bath.

J-"Do you need anything else?"

B-"No i'm ok, thank you"

He bent down and kissed my lips.

J-"Your welcome"

I soaked in the bath and felt relaxed, I hadn't felt this relaxed in a while. With Jug home and us putting together our little girl's room. Our son was a wonderful, smart, crazy kid and I loved my life, everything was perfect... for now.

-1 month later-

Everything had gone back to the way it was, Jug would come home drunk every night. I ended up putting Addison's room together by myself. I was stressed, I was stressed that my due date was only 2 months away, I was stressed that we wouldn't be ready for when she comes, I was stressed everyday and I didn't need any more stress being put on me... but then my phone rang.


L-"Hello, is this Elisabith Cooper?"

B-"Yes this is she"

L-"We all calling to inform you that you have not paid for rent in 3 months and I am afraid if you do not pay it in the next 2 weeks we will have to evict you"

B-"W-What, b-but my boyfriend has been paying it. I-I gave him the money, maybe there was a mistake. My boyfriend wouldn't lie to me"

L-"I am very sorry Ms. Cooper but the money was never given to me"

B-"No, my apologies, I thought that the money was getting to you. I will get the money to you"

L-"Thank you for understanding, have a nice day"

B-"Thank you, you too"

The line then disconnected and I ran my fingers through my hair.

B-"Damn it Jughead!"

I got out one of his whiskey bottles and threw it against the wall, Jayden walked out slowly with a pillow in front of him.


B-"What Jayden"

J-"Why are you throwing things?"

B-"Because you're bastard of a father"

J-"But daddy's nice, don't throw his stuff"

B-"Do not tell me what to do Jayden! I am your mother! I will do whatever the fuck I want!"

He looked like he was gonna cry, I didn't yell at him often and he's still a little kid so he thinks that i'm mad at him.
He ran back into his room.

B-"Shit" (whispers)

B-"Jay wait"

I waddled after him but he shut the door in my face and I heard his little sobs through the door, it broke my heart to hear him cry.
I went and sat back down then started to cry myself. I couldn't get the money together to pay for 3 months of rent, what was Jughead doing with the money? I had to get another job so I could pay for the rent.
I cried, the tears streamed down my face like a river. Finally when I stopped I got up and walked over to Jayden's room then knocked on the door softly before walking in.
He sat on his bed with his stuffed animal in hand, I gave him a warming smile and sat down next to him.

J-"I'm sorry I made you mad"

B-"No baby you didn't make me mad, I was just a little mad at daddy and i'm sorry for yelling at you"

J-"It's ok mama"

B-"Come here buddy"

He crawled into my lap then laid his head down on my shoulder.

B-"Do you wanna go to pop's?"

J-"Yeah, can daddy come too?"

B-"I don't know baby, i'll call him on the way there ok"


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