Please Come Home part 44

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-The next morning-

I woke up in Jug's arms. I felt his stare and I turned to face him.

B-"It's rude to stare you know" (giggles)

J-"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

I blushed and he leaned in then placed a soft kiss on my lips.

J-"How are you feeling?"

B-"A little sick, but I'm okay"

He nodded and kissed my forehead then started to rub my belly.

J-"How far along are you?"

B-"Fifteen weeks"

J-"Geez how long were you gonna wait to tell me, until you were in labor"

B-(tears)"I'm sorry"

J-"Oh baby no, I was just joking"

B-"Okay" (sniffles)

J-"Oh I missed these hormones" (chuckles)

B-"Shut up"

He laughed then combed a string of hair out of my face.

J-"I love you"

B-"I love you too"

Ju-"Ok now let's go tell Jay he's getting a sister or brother"

Ja-"I'm getting a sister or brother!"

He ran and jumped on our bed then snuggled his way in between our arms.

Ja-"Thank you!"

He hugged both of us and I sat up as he pulled up my shirt and kissed my baby bump.

Ja-"Hi baby"

He kissed my belly then Jug got down by him and kissed my belly.

Ju-"Hi baby"

B-"You guys are the cutest" (chuckles)

Ju/Ja-"We know"

I smiled then got out of bed and went into the living room before grabbing my ultrasound picture out of my purse. I handed it to Jug and Jay as they stared at the new member of the family that grew inside of me.

Ja-"I don't see it"

B-(chuckles)"It's right here baby"

He smiled at it and Jug turned to me then pulled me into a soft kiss, yet we were interrupted by a knock at the door.
I pulled away and walked over to the door then opened it... and saw Tiffany standing there with a baby boy in her arms.

Oooo cliffhanger to end season 1 of Please Come Home, yes that's right, season 1.
Season 2 will be out after I finish my new au.
I hope you all enjoyed this au, I know I did. It was a very emotional ride through out this au😭.
Anyways, love you all, and my new au will be out soon, then after I am done with that one I will post season 2 of Please Come Home.

Love you!

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