Please Come Home part 5

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I was watching tv I heard the door open, I looked over and saw Jughead stumbled in, I rolled my eyes as he dropped down on the couch next to me.

B-"Where the hell were you today?"

J-"Betty can we not do this right now"

B-"No we're doing this right now. Where were you today?"

J-"I'm sorry I was working at the construction sight and lost track of time"

B-"Really Jughead, when I was pregnant with Jayden you didn't miss one appointment or ultrasound. What happen to you when did you become this"

J-"When did you become a bitch"

B-"Wow, you know I stay home with our son all day plus write the newspaper while 6 months pregnant! You know what, how about you stay home tomorrow with him. I'm going to Toni's"


B-"Save it"

After I stormed off I drove to Toni's, I walked up to her trailer door and knocked on it hoping she was up.
She didn't answer the door after a few minutes so I decided to walk away until I heard a faint voice call me name. I turned around and she was standing there rubbing her eyes in a t-shirt and shorts. I walked back up to her and she motioned for me to come in, I walked in and sat down on her couch as she made herself some coffee.

B-"I'm sorry I'm here so late, Jug and I had a fight and I didn't know what else to do"

T-"It's fine, I was just watching tv"

Toni Topaz, we have been best friends for almost 5 years, I met her when I started dating Jug. She is watching over the serpents with her girlfriend, Cheryl Blossom. Cheryl and I are cousins, we get along very well and I was so thrilled when I heard that she and Toni were dating. Toni lives in a trailer at sunny side trailer park, while Cheryl lives in a big house that was left to her when her dad died. Toni works at the bar at the Whyte Wyrm, and Cheryl is a painter.

T-"What happened with Jug?"

B-"He called me a bitch"

Her eyes widened and she just sipped her coffee.

B-"He is unbelievable, I am his fiancé and the mother of his children. You'd think he would at least cook breakfast in the morning before he left for "work." I am a full time mother, I also work, and I do it all 6 months pregnant! While what does he do?! He comes home every night wasted! We're not teenagers anymore, we have responsibilities. I mean Jayden even thought Jug didn't love him because he is never around. He missed the ultrasound for the baby today! What else is he gonna miss, is he even gonna be there when I give birth. He was never like this when I was pregnant with Jay, he never left my side"

I started to cry as I paced back and forth. Toni stood up and held me in her arms.

T-"Look B, I know it's hard right now especially with you being pregnant but Jug loves you, Jayden, and this little one. He is just stressed right now, you both are. You guys should take a day as a family, like go on a road trip or to the swimming hole"

I sniffled, maybe this is what we need just a day as a family. No work, no stress, just a fun day with each other.

B-"Thanks T"

T-"Yeah no problem. You wanna crash here tonight?"

B-"Do you mind?"

T-"Not at all"

B-"Thank you"

She smiled then got blankets and pillows, she pulled out the couch and set the pillows up so that I would be comfortable.

B-"T, you didn't have to set all of it up. I could have done it"

T-"Nope, I'm not pregnant, you are"

I rolled my eyes and laughed then laid down on the couch. Toni was laughing at my squirming to get comfortable.

B-"Stop laughing at me!"

T-"Sorry it's hard not to"

B-"Well when you get pregnant I'm gonna be laughing at you trying to get comfortable"

T-"You might be waiting a while because I ain't getting pregnant anytime soon"


T-"Good night, see you in the morning"

B-"Night, love you"

T-"Love you too"

She blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it then she walked off into her bedroom, I rubbed my belly while my eyes started getting heavy.

B-"I love you baby girl, we'll see your brother and daddy tomorrow"

I patty my belly and fell asleep.

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