Please Come Home part 27

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-The next morning-

I woke up to Jay on top of me, he normally did this. Even when he was a baby, he would fall asleep between Jug and I then when we woke up he would be asleep on one of us.
I chuckled and slowly moved him to the side, being careful not to wake him up.
I got out of bed and stretched my back then walked downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table and started to scroll on my phone.
Soon the doorbell rang, I was confused because it was 9 am so if was a little early for anyone to be up. As I opened the door I was faced with Gladys Jones.

G-"How dare you"

B-"I'm sorry?"

G-"How could you murder my grand baby!"


I felt the tears about to burst but I held them back. My heart hurt and I felt sick to my stomach but I couldn't let her see that she had broken me because that would give her more power.

G-"I'm glad Jughead cheated on you! He deserves someone way better then you, then someone who would kill his baby"

I was about to break so I pushed her out of the way and ran to my car then began to drive while I broke down and sobbed. I finally came to a stop light and pulled myself together. I couldn't be letting this woman get under my skin, I needed to be the bigger person, for Addison.
The light finally turned green and I started to pull onto another street when a car came at full speed and rammed into my side. Everything started to spin and I couldn't breathe, all I was thinking of was Jayden. That's what kept me going, I knew I had to get out the the flipped over car. I couldn't leave him motherless.
Blood was streaming down my face and body, I could barely move. I wanted to give up, I wanted to do bad, but I heard someone's voice call out to me.

?-"Hello? Is there anyone in there!?"

B-"P-Please, h-help me"

Everything looked like it was closing in and soon, everything had gone black.

3 years later...

T-"Come on you little shit, we have to go to my ultrasound"

Tiffany threw she her purse over her shoulder then grabbed Jayden's arms and dragged him to her car. The big engagement ring on her finger was scratching Jay's arm and he tried to get out of her grip because he knew she couldn't run very far because of her huge baby bump, but he couldn't mange to get out of her grip.

J-"Ready to go my love?"

Jughead came outside of their beautiful big house and ran across the lawn to his pregnant fiancé.

T-"I hope that they tell me that I can get induced soon, I want these babies out of me"

Ju-"I know, they'll be out soon. Now let me help you get in the car"

T-"Ugh, hold on I need to pee again, these babies are sitting on my bladder"

Tiffany waddled inside and Jay turned to Jug

Ja-"Hey Dad"


Ja-"Um so since today is Mom's birthday do you think that I could go to Mom's grave?"

Ju-"We don't have time to do that because I have to take Tiffany to her doctors appointment, these babies are tearing her up, I feel so bad for her"

Ja-"Well if you can't bring me then can auntie V bring me?"

Ju-"What? When did you talk to Veronica?"

Ja-"Remember the other day when I was sick? I went to the nurse and they tried to call you and Tiffany but you both didn't pick up so they called Auntie V and she came and picked me up then brought me back to her house bad gave me some medicine-"

T-"Jug! Help! My water broke!"

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