93 - Surprise

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The house was empty on Tuesday afternoon. Patrick was at work, and Tessa's mother had taken her girls for an overnight. Dan and Peter took a group of kids, including Kevin, to Funtown Splashtown for the day. They would be late after spending the day at the water park and the evening on the amusement rides. Tessa hadn't been since she was in high school. Gabby told her it looked the same, except for the waterpark.

Gabby and her friends went too, but on their own. Hannah had gone shopping with Kristi earlier and returned with a new comforter, sheets, and various colorful bins for her dorm room. She had left after she dropped the purchases in the corner of the living room.

Tessa didn't comment, but Hannah defended her actions. "Why should I bring them upstairs when I need to pack them in a few days?"

Tessa shrugged. "That's between you and your dad."

It wasn't her house. Would it suddenly be when she officially moved in? Patrick had asked the girls what color they wanted their room painted. They were excited about moving, especially when they learned their beds and toys would move.

Earlier Patrick's house cleaner came. It wasn't the first time Tessa had met her, but it was the first time she was home alone. Tessa felt like an imposter.

"Oh, are you staying long?" The woman looked at her leg.

Tessa smiled. "I live here." Technically, she didn't or did she?

"Live here? With Dr. Bennett?"

Tessa smiled. She watched as the woman stared at her tight shirt around her middle. Gabby had told Tessa the cleaner had a son in her grade. She could hear the rumors bouncing around town. Was the woman single and hoping her house cleaning would catch her a doctor?

Tessa's pregnancy wasn't a secret. She had told all her friends about the baby. Rachel and Korra were excited. They felt responsible for bringing her and Patrick together.

Hannah hadn't been gone long when Tessa heard the garage door rumble up. She probably brought Ryder over for the beach. Hopefully, not to crash dinner because Tessa and Patrick were planning a date night. Hannah was meaner when Ryder was around, so Tessa braced herself.

When Hannah appeared, she was crying and started for the stairs, but Tessa called to her.

She turned around. "What do you want?" She snapped.

"I want to help you. What happened?" Hannah put her face in her hands and shook her head. "Sweetheart, I'm the only one home. Let me help you."

When Tessa looked at her crying, she only saw Patrick's child. She didn't see Erica's daughter, who didn't want Tessa as part of their lives. "Did something happen with Ryder?"

The girl nodded and cried harder. "He's been lying to me!"

Tessa stood and hobbled to her, supporting herself on the television stand and then the wall. She didn't ask permission as she wrapped her arms around her. Hannah didn't resist. She let Tessa hold her. They stood for a long time until Hannah's tears waned and Tessa's leg ached.

She whispered, "I have to sit. Come on. I'm a good listener. You can trust me."

It surprised her when Hannah helped her to the sofa. "He lied to me." Tessa didn't want to push. "He moved and his new roommate, Morgan... is a girl! I'm so stupid!"

"No, you aren't! You're too good for the liar."

Tessa felt her anger rise for the boy who hurt the broken girl. She had to hide it or Hannah's defense would be to defend him.

"I thought he liked me. He was mean to me!"

"That's because he knew what he was doing was wrong. People turn their guilt on other people."

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