"Shit. Let's get Steve."

Ana quickly ran over to the elevator, "Steve-" She stopped once she got their attention, "There's something you gotta see. Sharon, you mind sharing your room with us for a bit."

"What's going on?"

"Something happened at the conference. We need to get the news up."

Once inside Sharon's room, they all gathered behind the TV as the news played back the events of the Conference. "A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier." On screen, a security image of Bucky came up, "The infamous Hydra agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

Ana shut her eyes before glancing at Steve, she saw the pain on his face and it affected her too. She hoped that Bucky getting away from Hydra would be enough for him to get better but obviously she was wrong.

Sharon shut her phone off and looked at them, "I have to go to work."

"What's going on on your end?"

Sharon sighs, "They're sending a team to find Sergeant Barnes. There isn't much I know just yet."

"We need to find him."

"I know. I'll give you what I can when I get it. You guys need a ride?"

Steve gave her a grateful look, "That would be really helpful, thank you."


Ana and Sam sit at a counter of a coffee shop while Steve called Natasha. She rubbed her head with her beanie on again, she was dressed as a civilian with Sam.

"You good?"

"Remember when I said that I went to my apartment after Washington?"

"You mean after you checked yourself out of the hospital?" Sam eyed her, that entire situation bugged him a lot because she had to have been hurt. But apparently she was more durable due to the Mind Stone, "I remember."

"I didn't." Ana tells him the truth, "I wasn't passed out like Steve when we fell out of the helicarrier-"

"But you said-"

"I know what I said. I didn't fall out like Steve did, Bucky he... he uh, helped me by catching me before I did. And then he dropped me in the water when it was a safer distance."

"So you... let him go."

"I couldn't take him on my own. I know I couldn't. I mean, I tried to talk to him but he was just confused. He thought I was my grandmother and I was worried about Steve."

"That's understandable, he was pretty beaten up."

Ana smiled after a coffee was handed to her before continuing, "That's not it."


"I had a guess about where he would go. He kept saying my grandmother's name, so I went to her grave and he was there."

"So you had a couple of opportunities to stop him from leaving. You can't feel bad about that." Sam took her coffee from her to drink, "He's dangerous and could have killed you."

"He mistook me for my grandmother again." Ana rubbed her arm uncomfortably, "I haven't stopped thinking about him since then."

"Well, you knew how important he was to your grandmother and Steve."

Snowman {Bucky Barnes}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora