Chapter 80

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Jabbing  me for the third time I couldn't help but curse under my breath, "Fuck!"

"Sorry about that, sweetie. These rolling veins are a tricky bunch, but I got'em," her triumphant smile granted me little solace.

"We're almost done dear. That's the last tube," removing the tourniquet she begin to gather the rest of her materials as the final vial filled. 

Placing a gauze and paper tape over the puncture, "Leave that on for twenty minutes. You lab work will be a while." She sauntered out of the room giving Axle a quick turn of the head before exiting through the door. 

Respiring a deep breath, "I crave to ... expose the rest of my past but, but I'm hesitant. I was able to move beyond it ... but I've never verbalized it into the atmosphere." I can feel the sting in my eyes, " I'm unsure if it's possible to even mutter them."

A dreadful silence consumes the room silencing the noise from beyond the closed door. 

"Chloe, you disclosed some of the worst parts of your life. This is just another step in our relationship in solidifying our bond. If it's not obvious by now, I won't leave you. I physically can't Chloe. That's why I had to come back this morning. Each step was as painful as being seared with a blowtorch. I am yours. You own me Chloe." He grasped my hand placing a delicate kiss on my knuckles, lacing our fingers.

What did I ever do to deserve this man? He always seems to know exactly what to say to put my trepidation at ease. Moving my head up and down, I huff out a breath, "You're right. I need to be open with you, expose everything."

  I commenced, "Two months later, Danny and I, collected quite the nest egg for ourselves. We got to know each other both in and outside of the bedroom. I continued to dabble in drugs and alcohol, dancing on the night we did not have clients."

"To keep the business unnoticed, we rotated hotels as to not acquire unwanted attention, ensure we could continue our scam. The day that altered everything I was scheduled at the Plaza Hotel."

"I sat at the bar, per usual, awaiting for my mark to make his appearance. That night was in contrast to previous encounters. He was a foreign dignitary, very wealthy, married and had children. Danny expanded our clientele to procure increased finances."

"Danny informed me he would arrive with a yellow pocket handkerchief. I scanned the crowd until I spotted the canary in his suit jacket. I smiled with my eyes informing him I was his "date" for the night. He overly cocky arrogance oozed out of him as he made his way towards me."

"Settling next to me, I open the door for conversation, 'Dimitri?' "

"He scans me up and down licking his lips. I push my breast up to give him something to drool over, 'Marisa?' "

"Nodding my head, his aggressiveness becomes apparent when he grabs my seat, dragging me into his orbit. His cologne smells divine, looks respectable but there's something about him that has me uneasy."

" 'You look beautiful Marisa,' his accent is thick but understandable, thankfully."

"Thank you. You look dapper this evening."

"A sly smile smears across his face, bobbing his head, 'What's your poison?' "

"Anything really. Tonight it's rum. And yours?"


"Ordering us drinks, we flirt a bit, laugh; he appears to be quite the gentleman. He's polite, keeps the conversation respectable, keeping his hands to himself. He eased my anxiety, I felt kind of bad given his demeanor but this is the game and he agreed to play."

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