Ch.16 A "special" hand mirror

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After talking to the Magic Mirror, Raven left the tower with the feather key still in her hands. But before she could do what the mirror had told her about going to the vault, she had to pick up a quick object from her friend Cedar Wood. Cedar had a pair of glasses her father Pinocchio had given her as a Thronecoming gift, the glasses were Revealer Rays, a special object that can reveal the truth about anything or anyone by looking through the lenses. With the Revealer Rays, Raven was sure she would find the special object the mirror told her about.

To get to the Vault, Raven had to go to the library. But finding the entrance to the Vault is not easy since the entrance has been known to change. But thanks to Cedar's Revealer Rays, Raven was able to find the entrance at the very back of the library. To enter, she gave a knock on the back door in a specific beat as she felt herself being pulled inside.

Now inside the Vault of Lost Tales, Raven followed the little Blue Fairy of the Revealer Rays who motioned her to keep walking. Because the Vault had been empty since Giles Grimm, Milton Grimm's brother had moved out of the Vault, it did feel a bit creepy to be in the Vault alone, especially with the sounds of mice scattering around. But Raven refused to feel scared as she kept walking while following the little Blue Fairy. Pretty soon, the fairy came to a stop as she pointed to a bookshelf. As Raven stepped towards the bookshelf, the fairy pointed to a stack of books as Raven moved them out of the way to reveal a thin black box. With the fairy pointing to the box while giving a thumbs up, Raven knew that this must be what she was looking for.

After taking the Revealer Rays off, Raven inserted the key into the small padlock on the box. Sure enough, it fit, and she was able to unlock it as she opened the box that revealed a silver hand mirror.

"Huh?" Raven confusedly remarked, "A hand mirror?"

She set the box down and took out the hand mirror. But as she examined it, she couldn't find anything special about this mirror. It just looked like a normal hand mirror, nothing like the Booking Glass. But she didn't understand why this mirror was special, there wasn't even a message that explains what this mirror does. But even so, the Revealer Rays did lead her to this object so it must mean something. Hoping to find out soon, Raven took the mirror and left the Vault to go up to her dorm where Apple was waiting.

"Hey," she said while setting down her book, "Where have you been?"

"Down in the Vault of Lost Tales," Raven replied.

"What were you doing in the Vault? And why do you have a hand mirror?"

"I first went to fix my mother's Magic Mirror so I could talk to it," Raven explained while sitting on her bed.

"What?" Apple gasped while sitting next to her, "You fixed your mother's mirror? And it spoke to you? What did it say?"

"Before I tell you that, I have to tell you this. My dad sent me some photos of the scroll that contained the curse and Dexter and I were able to translate what the curse does. It turns out that it's called the Dark Curse, it's a curse that even though it was created many years ago, it's never been cast before. But this curse is unlike anything I've ever known. If the curse gets cast, it will take everyone to this place called the Land Without Magic.

Apple's eyes grew big, "The Land Without Magic?"

"Not only that, the curse will erase everyone's memories of who they are and replace them with cursed ones. If I'm correct, this is what my mother meant when she said that she was going to give us the gift of an unhappy ending."

"What?" Apple gasped with fright, "A curse that will take us to a place with no magic while erasing our memories of who we are? Oh my goodness, please tell me that there's a way to prevent that from happening!"

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