Ch.13 Cards and Tarts

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As soon as Elena and Olivia left the Wonder Diner since there was still time left in the day, Olivia decided to show Elena around Main Street as they strolled down the sidewalk.

"So what kind of stuff are in Storybrooke?" Elena asked.

"Well," Olivia began, "There's the Apple Market which is where we get our groceries. We have Johnson's Hair Salon which is owned by twins Sabrina and Stella Johnson who you have to meet someday. Then there's the Red Rose bar which is down in the woods but students barely go there because we're all obviously under 21."

"And do you honestly believe that no students go there?" Elena put in with a hint of doubt.

"Well, if they do, I hope they're not drinking alcohol."

The girls let out small giggles when they soon spotted a girl sitting on a bench and staring down at her phone. The girl had long black hair with red streaks and Elena even noticed a black heart tattoo on the back of her right shoulder since the top she was wearing exposed parts of her shoulders.

"Oh," Olivia suddenly spoke when she noticed the girl as she began to go through her purse, "That reminds me, I need to give her this."

She pulled out a deck of playing cards and she began to make it her towards the girl with Elena following.

"Ilene," Olivia called out as the girl turned to them.

"Hey," the girl, Ilene responded with a small smile.

"You left these in History," Olivia handed her the deck of card.

"Oh," Ilene remarked while taking the cards, "I was wondering where I left these, thanks."

Elena then noticed that next to Ilene was a clear to-go box containing some cherry tarts. And that got her wondering who this girl would be in the fairy tale world. Most likely someone from Wonderland due to the tarts and playing cards. Daughter of the Queen of Hearts, perhaps?

"Have you met Elena?" Olivia soon asked Ilene.

"I have," Ilene nodded, "We have the same Math class. Hi Elena."

"Hey," Elena greeted with a small wave.

"You showing Elena around?" Ilene asked Olivia.

"I am," Olivia nodded.

"You're not going to show her the mayor's house, are you?"

"Oh, no way," Olivia assured with a bit of fright, "I don't even like to go near the house myself."

The mayor's house. Brooke had told Elena that the Evil Queen, her real and still alive mother, was really the mayor of Storybrooke and that she shouldn't go anywhere near her. And it looks like everyone else doesn't want to go near the mayor as well.

"Oh," Olivia turned to Elena, "You must wondering about the mayor and why we don't want to go anywhere near her or her house."

"Because she's evil" Ilene stated, "One time, I ordered the last piece of coconut pie from the Wonder Diner before the mayor could order it, and you know what she did? She purposely tripped me so that I would drop the pie! And then she acted as nothing happened before casually walking off!"

"Damn!" Elena remarked in shock, "What a bully!"

"Exactly," Ilene grunted, "I don't understand how she's even married to such a nice man."

"Yeah," Olivia agreed, "Mr. Jones is so nice. You know, Elena, a lot of us students actually live alone or with a roommate without any adults."

"Seriously?" Elena responded surprised.

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