Epilogue Part 2: Three Years Down A Lifetime To Go

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Becca's POV

  The monitors beep, reminding me of the place that I have been exiled to for the last three months. Luke is passed out in the blue recliner that sits by my hospital bed, his suit is wrinkled and he has a thin layer of stubble forming from not shaving in two days. Upon being admitted three months, yes three months ago I had yet to be let out of here.

  I couldn't complain, because I knew the doctor's were doing everything to make sure our baby will be coming into this world as healthy as he can be, yes I said he! But at the same time I am about to go insane from being cooped up.

 I close my eyes and reflect on the last three months, The day I had found out I was having a baby was so shocking to both Luke and I. We had once kidded that after seeing how Annie was while she was pregnant that we would just much rather adopt. Of course marriage changes a person, and about a year later we had changed our tune to waiting until we had at least been married for five years.

  I mean, five years seemed perfect, Luke's law firm was already doing great but we assumed in five years it would be even better, more stable so to speak. So that was our plans, but I had forgotten the one small pill that was to keep the babies at bay, not on purpose, our insurance company was changing and upon doing this had screwed me out of my birth control for a week.

  Of course that week just happened to turn out to be our three year anniversary where Luke had whisked me away to some tropical deserted island that didn't have a store unless you went to the mainland and in the heat of the moment who's going to do that?

  So here we both had stood in complete and utter shock, but at the same time I was in awe. They had admitted me to the hospital that day, and started fluids, and testing. An ultrasound confirmed that at the time I was four months pregnant, looking back now Luke and I both should have seen all the signs, weight gain, mood swings, and most of all the tiredness.

  All the tests so far had come back great, and our baby boy seemed to be healthy in the scense that he was always moving. The doctor's main concern now is if the birth control is going to cause any permanent damage, we find out the answers today. I sigh, guess that's why I'm reflecting. I rub my ever growing belly and smile.

  " Aiden Lucas Miller, whatever will we do with ourselves.'' I say aloud, Luke jumps out of his chair like a gun had went off.

  " Are you ok? Is the baby alright? Did I miss the Dr.?" He rambles off a series of questions, and I can't help but laugh. At him! He looks like a mad man, his hair is beyond greasy and his eyes are red, honestly I'm afraid to hug him because I'm not certain when he's showered last.

Then I feel immediate guilt, because this man, this beautiful greasy man has been here for me day in and day out. At my beckon call, if I'm scared he holds my hand, if I need to cry he's my shoulder, if I'm tired of the not so great hospital food he brings me whatever I want.

  " We're fine, and no you didn't miss the Dr." I glance at the clock and bite my bottom lip, my nerves are trying to get the best of me. I rub my belly and remind myself that God has this and we just have to believe that our prayers have been answered.

  " Oh, well what's wrong then baby?'' He asks, sitting beside me, and placing a large hand next to my small one on my large belly.

  " I was just talking to Aiden, you know all the baby books say that they can start hearing at six months. So I figured since we're going on seven that he most definitely hears me.'' He smiles, and my stomach jumps under our hands.

  " I'll never get use to this.'' He says, in awe and I see unshed tears well up in his eyes. Luke is always so strong, but I know that he has broken down twice since I've been put in the hospital. Annie had told me about it, not to worry me, but to let me know that I'm not in my suffering alone. He withdraws his hand abruptly and stands to face the window, he runs his hands over his face to try and hide that a few tears had in fact escaped, but I say nothing.

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