043. Sleepover Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

We were soon on her driveway and walking to her door. She appears through the door with a huge smile. "Ok, guys! Party's getting started!" She yells.

We chuckle and follow her upstairs to her room. I'm honestly so shocked right now. She had what looked like a fort set up in the front of her room. There was bowls of pretzels and popcorn and cans of soda and a box of pizza. Also donuts which are my absolute favorite.

"Rena, you did good with this sleepover." I tell her. "How did you do it?"

"I've been setting this up for at least two weeks, CiCi." She tells me.

Gwen and I chuckle. "Of course you did." I say. We set our bags down next to her door.

"So, what's the events for the night?" Gwen asks. We sat on the nice bed like cushion Rena had made in the fort.

"First, we'll change in our pajamas. Next, karaoke. Then finally, watch a movie and enjoy our pizza and all of these goodies." Rena says.

I chuckle. "Well, let's get it started!"

As started, we all changed into our pajamas. I had flowers pajamas and my hair was pulled into a messy bun. Soon, Gwen then changed into hers after me. Then Serena. It's the start to a great night, for sure.

The door opens and we look. It's Aidan. "How you girls doing?" He asks.

"We're doing fine." I reply.

"Haven't seen you in a while, CiCi." He says. "Come and give me a hug, hermana."

I chuckle and walk to him, hugging him. He hugs me back. Once I pull away, I go back to the girls. "Ok, Aidan, get out now." Serena tells him.

"I'm going out for the night so if you need anything, go to our brothers." Aidan informs her.

"Yeah, ok." Serena says.

When he leaves, we get started on what Serena has planned. I cough a bit. I shake it off, I'll be fine. First, we got started on karaoke. "Hm, let's sing 'Sk8ter Boi' by Avril Lavigne.'" I request.

We all laugh and sing. "He was a boy, and she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious? He was a punk and she did ballet. What more can I say?" We sung.

"Ok, CiCi, a song by yourself." Serena suggests.

We all pick and chose songs. I've sung songs mostly by FUN since they're my favorite artists ever. We're now watching a movie called 'Friends With Benefits' on Netflix. Gwen is convincing us that it's good.

We finished eating our pizza, which was good by the way and we were now eating snacks that Serena has laid out for us. My phone keeps vibrating, from my mom. She's worried and keeps asking if I'm okay.

Mom 😌: Are you okay? Have you needed to take your inhaler?

Me: Mom, I'm fine lol my friends and I are watching a movie

The tv pauses and I'm met with Serena's angry eyes. "CiCi, it wouldn't hurt to put your phone down for a bit, will it?"

"I'm sorry. It was my mom." I tell her.

"It was probably Ashton." She says. What is she talking about? "You tend to make time for him than us. So what, boyfriends before best friends now?"

Gwen sighs. "Serena, stop." She says.

"First of all, I would call you and ask if you wanted to hang out when I wasn't with Ash but you would either be too lazy or with AJ." I tell her. "It's not just me and like I said, I apologize for-.." I cough twice.

Gwen rubs my back. "Are you okay?" She asks and I nod.

"She's probably using her 'asthma' to leave. That's what she always does. Leave." Serena says in this type of tone she's never used with me before.

"Dude, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"What's wrong is that you'll choose to be with Ash any day than to be with us. Admit it!" She raises her voice. Before I could answer, she starts again. "Actually, it sucks because he bullied you and ridiculed you at first and now your his little puppet."

"You're the one who told me to go out with him! Who-," cough, "encouraged me to talk to him in the first place. You, at one point, put AJ over me and sometimes you still do but I don't bitch about it."

She scoffs. "You know what, forget this. You can leave. Gwen can stay." She tells me.

I wipe tears that I feel falling down. "Fine." I say.

Gwen grabs my hand. "CiCi, don't go. Ok, please don't go." She begs me.

"I'll be-," cough, "fine, Gwen. Just let me go." I say. She lets me go and I grab my bag and walk out of her room downstairs. I can hear Gwen scolding her.

Walking downstairs, I feel a bit hazy. I start coughing violently. I soon find it hard to breathe. Like my lungs aren't functioning properly. I feel someone call my name. It's Aidan.

I suddenly fall to my knees. Oh my gosh, not right now. I can't hold myself up anymore and I fall to the floor. I've stopped coughing but I can't breathe. My eyes closed and suddenly, I'm faced with darkness.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Spoiler: Gracie isn't dead, she just suffered from a severe asthma attack! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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