Chapter 1!

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Hey guys, so I decided to try something a little different by writing a Kellic book. It's my first one, soooo it'll probably suck, but I'll try and do my best. Anyways, as time goes on there will be sexual content in the book, but I'll put a warning before it for those of you who don't want to read that part. Anyways, thanks for giving this book a try. Love you guys and happy reading!


VIC POV: "Good Morning babe." Someone says next to me as I slowly awaken out of my sleep.

"Morning." I croak, turning over in a bed that I automatically knew wasn't mine. I open my eyes and steady them on the beautiful red head girl lying next to me that I have come to know and like very much.

"Soooo, I'm guessing you have to leave now, huh?" Danielle asks, slightly rolling her eyes as I slide from underneath her bed sheets. I give her a look of sympathy before leaning over to kiss her sweet lips.

"Now baby, You know it's not always gonna be this way." I say, looking into her eyes, smiling, before starting to dress myself.

"Yeah, well, Vic, I'm tired of doing this. I want you. ALL of you. I don't like the idea of having to share you with Kellin. I want us to be a normal couple. I want to go out in public with you, hold your hand, kiss and hold you in my arms, letting the world know that you are mine and mine alone." She says, smiling and rolling out of bed. She walks over to my now fully clothed self and stands directly in front of me, lacing her fingers with mine as she looks up into my eyes.

"I want that too baby, but it's not that easy. Kellin... he's very fragile and I just can't bear to break his heart. Just... give me some more time; that's all I ask of you." I say, looking down at her. She sighs and starts to lead me over to her front door.

"Fine. You have one week to break it off with Kellin." She says flatly.

"WHAT?! No, that's not-" She suddenly leans in to kiss me, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. After a few seconds of sharing a sweet kiss with her, she pulls back.

"If you love me like you say you do, then you'll do it.", she whispers. I sigh deeply and nod my head.

"Okay, okay. You have my word. By the end of this week, there will be no more Kellin Quinn-Fuentes." I say.


VIC POV: As soon as I walk though the front door of my house, the sweet aroma of cinnamon buns fills my nostrils, and I instantly know Kellin is up and fixing breakfast. I quietly close the door and lock it, only to turn around and see my slightly taller husband standing there with the biggest grin on his face.

"Hi handsome." He says, before jumping into my arms, attacking my face with his kisses. I chuckle a bit and lightly push him off of me.

"Hey Kell's." I say, walking over to the island in the kitchen, sitting down on one of the stools.

"So how'd it go over at Jaime's last night?" He asks, walking back into the kitchen, looking in the oven, checking on our breakfast. I look at him odd and then I suddenly remember the excuse I gave him last night for not being here with him.

"Oh, um, it was cool. Ya know, we just hung out all night, working on some new songs." I say casually, trying not to give away the fact that I was with Danielle last night.

"Ahhh. That's cool. Anywayssss, You know what tomorrow is, right?" He asks, looking directly in my eyes. I throw him a confused look, and then suddenly it hits me. Tomorrow is Kellin and I's 2nd year wedding anniversary. Shit. If only he knew what was coming his way...

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