This sucks! What could this Zaheer guy even do?! Who is he anyway?

"But Lin-"

"End of discussion."


"I said," she says raising her voice, "End of discussion."


It sucks that I have to once again hide my airbending, but I couldn't hide my excitement once we arrived in Zaofu. The beautiful scenery under our airship goes from greenery to metal. And the best part, no walls or Dai Li! People aren't being separated, and it's a nice change, especially after being in Ba Sing Se for so long.

"Boli, look!" I call to Bolin while pointing out the window.

I've never seen anything like this before. Buildings, homes, domes, all made of metal. And this place is huge! I thought Republic City was impressive, but this? This is something I've never seen before.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Bolin exclaims and looks to Lin. "An entire city made of metal! You should feel right at home, Beifong!"

Lin seems so off. The thing about Lin is, I think she's just misunderstood. People see her as uptight, but I actually work for the woman. She just has a strong personality that comes off as intimidating. But today she seems different.

"Are you ok, boss?" I ask her.

"I'm just fine. There are criminals who are after the Avatar, but Korra feels like it's a good time to go on little field trips, but yes, everything is great," she answers sarcastically.

"Well, as long as you're ok," I say with a smile.


We all exit the airship, Bolin and I practically running. We're greeted by a man dressed in green and yellow robes, and two Metal Clan escorts by his side. Immediately my my mind begins to spin, and my eyes flutter. I close them, and I can't seem to control my own thoughts. Behind my eyelids it looks like tiny explosions, kind of like when Amon attacked the United Forces.

"Kitty?" I hear Bolin ask worryingly.

I gasp but quickly contain myself.

"I feel a little dizzy," I tell him.

He joins me at my side and lets me lean my body against his.

What the heck was that?

"I think you've been on the airship too long," he replies. "You're probably motion sick."

"Korra-" I mutter.

"Shh," he cuts me off. "Save your energy."

"Avatar Korra. It is an honor to meet you," the man says and bows with his hands clasped. "My name is Aiwei."

"Thanks for having us," Korra replies, and we all return the gesture.

"Is this everyone?" He asks.

"Yup," Korra answers. "Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?"

"Of course, right this way."

Aiwei gestures for us to follow him. The escorts close the gate after us and we descend down the dock. This is the coolest thing ever! As we pass through the city, we pass a huge statue of Toph Beifong. This statue is much bigger than the one in Republic City.

"That statue honors the first metalbender, Toph Beifong who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his, or her, highest potential," Aiwei explains.

"Does Toph live here? Are we going to get to meet her?" I ask, and gesture towards Bolin who looks like he's about to pee his pants. "My friend here is a really big fan."

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now